Keantha final word count: 903
Andranis final word count: 788

Will'o huffed as he slunk from the cave he shared with his twin and the wolves Chaos and Strife. Ever since mom had that fling with that crazy-looking owl shifter, Rhiannon had been even more territorial about the home cave, running all of them out to find new shelter in the immediate area. THEN, though she had bitched, she had also insisted on Morana move into the main cave. Now the two females were rarely seen, only the familiars of the clan were allowed in and those two weren't talking!

Kicking a rock, the young fox flopped down with a grumble, dust puffing around him. This was bullshit! She was their mom! Who did that crazy witch think she was keeping them apart?!

Inside the cave, Chaos twitched an ear before sighing hearing Will'o's pacing and grumbling. He wanted to curl back around his sweet mate but knew the fox shifter would end up waking her too before long. As it was, he got up slowly to try and slip away, nudging Wisp as he passed by. If he had to deal with Will'o's ridiculousness then by all the Gods above and below, so did the troublemaker's twin!

Stepping out, he considered the dark pelted young male from his sprawl in the dirt with a highly unimpressed look which he then turned onto Wisp as if saying wordlessly, 'he is your twin. Deal with this.'

It could be argued that Wisp was taking it better, but really... He was just hiding it better. He still grumbled, even loafed some in his fox form, but he didn't outwardly show as much disdain for the fact they were separated from their mother. One ear flicked as he heard his brother, then lifted his head. He watched the other fox, before looking at Chaos, his ears going back. When his gaze went to Strife, she only gave Wisp a droll look.

No, she wasn't helping here, Wisp was going to have to figure it out on his own.

Wisp let out a sigh, then got up, shifting from fox to horse as he headed over to his brother. He pressed his face into the other fox's side, then asked, "Which thing is bugging you now?" He had a good hunch, they were twins, they shared so much between them from anger to joy to mischief. He didn't want to assume, though, that it was about the witch and their mom.

"That...that...witch!" It was rather clear that wasn't the word he really wanted to use but a hasty growl from Chaos that told him that such language was not acceptable around Strife made him edit his comment.

"Who does she think she is huh? Bad enough she keeps father on errands for her like some slave but now she thinks to keep mama from us too?!"

Chaos sighed giving his mate a tired look. When they agreed to stay and help 'train' these kit it had been for a life debt. Now he wondered if it was more a life sentence....still she was worth it.

Ah yup, it was the witch. Wisp grunted, ears canting back as his tail lashed a bit. "She needs another sl- Serv- HELPER, is what she needs, so she can let us have some time with him. And why IS she hoarding Mom like that?" He picked himself up, starting to pace. To the side, Strife watched him. "Why won't she let us see her? She's our mom! We JUST got her back!"

Continuing to watch the kit pace, Strife finally said, "Maybe they're discussing certain things."

"If they were doing that, surely she would have let Mom out by now. That witch is keeping her in there and won't tell us why, and won't let us see her!" Stopping his pacing, Wisp sat down, then pouted. "We just wanna see our mom..."

Again Chaos exchanged looks with his mate. Sure they knew what was happening in the cave but it really wasn't their place to be telling such things.

"Now boys, have you ever considered maybe she wants to be in there?"

Will'o hissed as his tail puffed up, ears laying back, "What?! Are you saying she'd rather be with her than us? That dad rather be away than spend time with us?!"

The older wolf laid back his ears as he backed down from the angry young shifter, " Ain't saying that at all kit. I am just saying maybe there is a good reason for what is going on and you getting upset ain't gonna help nothin."

Good gods, he forgot how damn touchy youngsters could be these days!

"Everybody calm down, okay?" Strife got up, moving between her mate and the kits, one paw up. "You boys just gotta trust things, okay? Your mama'll be back with you soon enough, Rhiannon's just taking care of her." Opting for a bit of a lie, the wolf said, "She's not feeling well, and none of 'em want you boys exposed or anything."

Wisp's ears flopped down, shoulders sagging. "She's not feeling good?"

"No, kit, but she'll be better soon, don't worry." Going to the fox, the wolf leaned into him, then looked between him and his brother. "Why don't we do something to bide our time? Like find nice things for them all while we wait?"

Tilting his head, Wisp asked, "Like what? The witch doesn't seem to much like us, so we don't even know what she likes to even find for her!"

Strife considered, then asked, "How about some nice feathers and such? Things she can use, and things you can help your mama decorate herself with. Perhaps some shiny things they both might find useful, too."

Hearing that his mother wasn't feeling well caused Will'o to freeze, his eyes going wide with fear. "Sh..she's sick?" There was a soft undercurrent of fear in the young shifter's voice that made Chaos's heartache. He forgot sometimes just how young the boys really were.

The wolf trotted over to gently nose the young fox's leg till Will'o looked down at him, "Son, she ain't sick like that alright? If we thought that at all, we'd make sure you could see her. Right now just ain't the time. She'll be fine. I know you don't like the Lady much but your daddy trusts her to care for your mama and I know you trust him."

It took a moment for Will'o to nod before slumping, his bushy tail tucking between his legs, "It's just...we just got her back and I don't..."

It had been hard (and scary honestly) growing up without her. They had only the vaguest memories of her voice, the darkness of her fur, and the brightness of her eyes before they had been sent on the run with their father. Always running from some threat that Jack hadn't truly been able to explain to the boys, at least in any way that could satisfy the hole in their lives that was Morana shaped.

Wisp shifted into his fox form, curling up. "But we wanna see her..."

"I know, but you gotta be patient." The wolf curled around the fox, grooming his ears. "Now, let's consider getting her nice things again? We can even find her some nice animal pelts, maybe do a little hunting to leave outside the den for them? I'm sure Rihannon would appreciate it, too." At the grumpy look she got from Wisp, she let out an amused sound. "I know y'all ain't fond of her, but your dad sure likes her, and you care about your dad, and she's important to him like you two are. Besides... It takes effort on both ends to make things work, and if she sees you two making an effort, surely she'll make an effort."

Sniffling some, Wisp peeked at Strife. "You think so...?"


The tip of his tail twitched, before he lifted his head and looked at his brother. "Maybe we should go get some nice things for Mama... I thought I saw some fat birds not far from here, their feathers'd be really pretty..."

Will'o followed his twin, shrinking down into his fox shape so he could curl into Chaos like the kit he really was. Chaos rumbled soothingly at him as he groomed Will'o. "It'll be alright lad. I promise."

"Ok..." Will'o sighed before perking his ears towards Wisp. "That sounds good or maybe we can get some of the jackrabbits?"

Chaos smiled listening to them for a moment before offering up, "Tell you boys what, why don't we bring down one of those antelopes to feed Rhiannon and your mama, then I'll take Will'o and cull some of those rabbits while Strife and Wisp thin out the birds? Get a little bit of everything."

Will'o perked up his tail starting to wag, "Really?!"

Chaos chuckled bumping his head against the fox's, "Really runt. It's been a while since we had a proper hunt day hasn't it my love?" He smiled over to his mate.

While they had yet to have a litter of their own, he knew he wasn't alone in having begun to think of the two young foxes as their kits. He watched Will'o bounce to his feet to zip over and pounce his twin, the two tussling a moment. Yes, things would be ok and soon their family would be growing.

Wisp's tail started wagging more. "Yeah... Yeah! Antelope'd be real nice!" Their pelts weren't soft like a jackrabbit or fluffy like a bird's feathers, but they did make for nice decorations around dens. Plus their horns were useful in so many ways.

Chuckling, herself, Strife smiled at Chaos. "It's been too long, yeah." Then she stretched and headed for the mouth of the den. "Now come on, there's an antelope to catch, some jackrabbits to cull, and some birds to sort through!" She chuckled again as she watched Will'o pounce his brother and the two tussle, then smiled warmly at her mate. Oh, she hoped their future pups were this energetic!