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Reply Open/Private Canon IC RP
[PRP] Big, yes. Bad...Questionable? [V & Kara]

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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:12 pm
Private RP combining two prompts;

Being done by Viatorai
Write me a fairytale with a twist!.You can write it as though it's happening now, as though it's being acted out, as though it's a story being told, or anything else creative you can come up with. But there must be a TWIST!

V decided to to Red Riding Hood/Big Bad Wolf where the Wolf is telling the Tale about himself!

being done by Kara Asumie
November is all about having an “attitude of gratitude” and—Scratch that, I hate when people say that but what they really mean is you can’t complain about or be upset about anything. Being grateful is good, but it’s okay to let out our emotions from time to time.

In short, it’s okay to not be okay. Say it again. it’s okay to not be okay If you’re mad, sad, or whatever it’s okay to express that from time to time–it’s even healthy.

I know this time of year is stressful. Write a 750 word RP about you soquili getting upset,mad, or in an argument. Do they rage against the dying of the light? Rant against the heavens? Finally tell someone enough is enough? Or just let someone else know how they feel, even if it’s not pretty or grateful?

Maybe you want to make the RP into a parable that mirrors real life but in soquili way. Example (which you can totally use!) IRL your car has stopped working or those vacation plans have fallen through–tell me about how your soquili’s favorite basket breaks when you need it most. How that jar of honey didn’t come out flavored how they wanted. You’ve got the right to vent, so use this as a way to let it your frustrations (RULE: You cannot make it about any human, soquili can fend for themselves.)

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:38 pm
There was a formula.

Herds or families would wander close to the edge of the forest, only for a wolf to emerge and regale them with a fantastic tale. A tale of a noble being who would spoil them beyond their wildest dreams should they allow one member to follow the wolf deeper into the forest.

Of course, the wolf never went into details. Never said what being spoiled was. Never even came back with whoever volunteered...or was volunteered. The tale, however, spread like a wildfire and soon enough, herds were warning others to stay away from that particular forest. Those that returned, somehow, relegated a tale of a creature that was large, with burning blood-red eyes...

But, as it sometimes was inevitable, even the most harrowing of tales couldn't sway everyone....especially not someone determined to reach the other side of the forest and the closest distance between two points would be a straight line....



Crystal Traveler

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Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 10:09 am
Starla Kai Doestar was on a mission of her own. She had only a sister that was lost to her. Not by death but by time. They faded apart and out of each others lives. Feeling as if she needed to play it calm and cool like that didn't bother her at all so no one knew she wasn't ok was what she was doing now. Starla didn't really have any friends and no longer bonded with family she was alone. No herd to speak of. But she wandered a lot and in those travels has heard a tale of the wolf and the forest. This got her attention and peaked her interest as she traveled to this forest. Standing on the edge of it looking in.

The act of being ok and fearless brought her here more than she will admit. Maybe in her mission to free herself from the chains she has set on her own being will be here. Looking into the forest she waits for any sign of this wolf so many others have talked about. But she will only wait so long before she moves forward on her own.

WC :: 194  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:47 am
Amazingly, the wolf did appear, though it seemed....hesitant.

"Ah...I-- You..." It stammered before those large ears drooped down. Hesitant, and maybe even afraid? "You...You're looking to go through, aren't you?" It stammered, stepping just past the treeline and towards the strange mare. At least, for a moment. Looking her over, it seemed as though she was being sized up, judged in a way. The wolf's eyebrows went up and down almost comically.

As if making a sudden decision, it turned and walked back into the darkened forest, all six tail waving as if to beckon. It wasn't going to wait, it seemed, to see if she was going to follow.



Crystal Traveler

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Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:36 am
Starla watches the wolf as she then follows not saying a word. She didn't feel it was something that she needed to do. Even when it talked to her, she didn't reply. Paws hitting the ground as she falls into step behind the wolf. She wasn't going to shy away or let fear win even if she is feeling uneasy at the moment. Taking in a deep breath as she then slowly releases it.

Crossing the threshold of the tree line into the forest she sighs and closes her eyes for a moment before opening them again to scan her surroundings. Something felt a bit off about the forest but she couldn't put a word to what that something might be. Keeping her pace with the wolf as she is only a step behind while still taking in the sight about her. Taking in every detail that fills her vision.

WC :: 150  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:31 pm
Sooner rather than later, the six-tailed wolf slinks into the shadows, all but disappearing.

However, as soon as it does, bigger, heavier footsteps could be heard. It would be less than a few seconds before he would make himself known.

Nearly as wolflike as the six-tailed smaller wolf, the stallion was almost towering. Blood-red eyes held no iris and no pupil, ever so softly glowing, but not as intensely as the markings adorning his body. His stride was stiff, as if he were cautious about the mare that was an intruder in his territory. Ears twirled and pinned back against his head as he looked her up and down. Much like the smaller creature that led her in, he seemed to be judging her. Sizing her up and measuring her worth.

Tilting his head to one side almost curiously, the cracks upon his body shimmered with peeks of color the same as his markings as he thought. Pondered. Curioused.

Quite frankly, he was just confused as to why someone had been led in to disturb him. Again. His gaze went to the shadows where the smaller wolf had slunk off to, and a soft sigh escaped him. Irritated yet somewhat affectionate. Meshitsukai only wanted the best for him, but what was the point of creating the stories about a big bad wolf in this forest if she kept trying to bring him friends?

She would need to be spoken to. Later.

"What are you doing." It was less a question, more a statement, somehow, as his voice was astonishingly monotone. His expression was also nearly blank by this point. "Don't you know there's danger in here, little one?" A thinly-disguised threat. "Have you not heard the stories? Known those who have gone missing in here?" Nothing had happened to them, but she didn't need to know that.



Crystal Traveler

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Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 7:58 pm
Sizing the stallion up as she allows her eyes to scan him. Then she looks to where the wolf had disappeared to. Thinking a bit about the stories and all that has happened. But oddly enough she didn't feel like she was in danger here. Raising an eye brow as she watches the stallion once he starts to speak. He didn't give off the threatening feeling of danger. So Starla allows her body to relax. The tension leaving as she wonders how she should answer the stallion. Slowly closing her eyes as she takes in a deep breath to slowly release it. Her eyes opening slowly as her eyes lock on the stallion's.

"Do you always believe the stories told to you?" She wonders a bit as her tails flick in opposite directions before they settle down. Kind of like her tails had a fit a young one would have before staying still again. Waiting for him to reply to her she thinks more on it. Why should she believe the stories. There is nothing that says they are true.

Feeling a bit on edge but only because the wolf was consumed by shadows it seems. Why does that bother her more than this huge stallion she is standing down? She knows she shouldn't and that she is in his home land so she really shouldn't be standing her ground like she owns it. Maybe she should just bow and leave. Although something tells her to stay.

WC :: 247  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:20 pm

"I do if they are meant as a warning." His posture didn't change, though his eyes widened slightly. It had been...a very long time since someone had simply stood their ground and not run away. Meshitsukai was waiting for the mare to turn and run, but it seemed like being more direct would be necessary. Unfortunately, Zanhyou was extremely bad at actually acting like the big bad wolf of the stories he'd perpetuated, and just the thought had him swallowing hard.

"You would to well to heed warnings, even if they are presented as stories. Who's to say that they who live in these woods wouldn't be happy to...gnaw on your bones?" The last few words were spoken with a waver to his voice, a waver that he couldn't help but let out.

Taking a deep breath, he fought to keep composure. He didn't want to hurt her, but he was so....so bad at talking! She had to leave! Now! Meshitsukai wouldn't come back to save him, and Toya wanted nothing to do with the wolf's attempts at...at...whatever she was attempting. This was NOT how he wanted to socialize!

This is why he made up the stories about himself!



Crystal Traveler

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Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:38 pm
Starla blinks a few times. "Between you and a shifter. I will take you." She isn't okay in her mind to argue with this stallion. He towers over her small figure and can over power her with ease if he wanted to. In meeting him, Starla has forgotten that she was really just here to pass through from point A to point B. Nothing more or less. This all has side tracked her. Looking at the shadows that the wolf was last seen in then back to the stallion.

"Because it is unbecoming to ask for another's name without giving one's own first. I am Starla Kai Doestar. What might you be called?" Her tails start to flicker about again as she keeps her eyes locked onto his. "Oh and stories of warnings could also be stories of one calling out for help of some kind. You know those that aren't comfy asking for help but want it. They push others away. Is that you?" Starla wonders and then thinks maybe she is pulling it with thinking that he is truly asking for help. Her mind thought that maybe he is truly lonely when she had stated that question. Now she is rethinking that judgement. After all Starla isn't use to being around others but can play the role well. She is truly alone in her life. So that had her thinking he might be as well. Familiars are one thing while other soquili are another.

WC :: 246  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:52 pm
Swiveling his ears back once more, his eyes widen yet another fraction.

He's not used to this, but rather than give up and turn tail and run, maybe she has a point? It wasn't like he was the one seeking to draw others in for company, that was his nosey familiar who had nothing better to do. Who thought he needed friends. And he tried so hard to push that away.

It looked like the big bad wolf routine had run it's course.

"...No. But...yes." He sighed, lowering his head, tail now dragging on the ground. "You were supposed to run. Meshitsukai was to help you leave...I don't want anyone here." He wouldn't give his name. It wasn't necessary, as he saw it.



Crystal Traveler

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Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:06 pm
Starla smiled at the stallion. "Maybe Meshitsukai knows something you don't?" She wonders a bit as she also sighs. "Look I am just realizing that it is ok to just not be ok. It is ok to also admit it when you are scare, lonely, and even sad. I am all alone and I can admit now. What about you? What can you admit to? And also I don't run... Life is too short for me to run." She points out as she giggles a bit.

Feeling better after stating that she isn't ok. Hmm that was easier then she once thought. She doesn't have to always be perfect or ok. She can be scared or sad. Even unhappy. Starla realizes that she shouldn't push her emotions to the side and allow herself to just feel. Maybe she is here to help him realize that as well. So she is going to stand her ground.

WC :: 155  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:35 pm
"...." Well, it was unlikely he'd be able to weasel himself out of this one. That darn wolf of his.

"....If you want me to admit something, then let's at least hear your attempts over tea. A tea trader herd passed by recently and Meshitsukai was able to barter a good leaf blend off them."

Turning to head deeper in, his markings glowed enough to be a light source, though his head was still bowed and his tail dragged along the ground.

"And...once we finish, I'll help you out the other side."



Crystal Traveler

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Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:56 pm
Puzzled a bit Starla blinks a few times as she follows him. Is she really going to have tea with someone who hasn't given her their name. Seems so. Shrugging that thought off as they have tea and she tries to get him to admit something. Nothing worked. She sighed. But this might just turn into a life time goal of hers. Now that he has turned into a goal for her to be friend there is no way she is going to allow him to escape her.

"I think I would rather stay." Is her last words as night time consumes the light of day. Maybe we will hear from these two again. Will they be friends by then?

WC :: 120
Total:: 1,112

The End
Open/Private Canon IC RP

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