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Elliot was sweating, his skin felt like it was on fire, he was running and running, something was behind him, chasing him, he didn't know why, he didn't know what, it was definitely very strange. That said, he loved to run so he wasn't really scared, at least not right at this moment, sure his skin was twitching uncomfortably as he did run but otherwise, he was ELLIOT MARCH for heaven's sakes, he had absolutely nothing to worry about when he was running, he was faster than almost any other soquili he had met.

He laughed as he ran, trying to shake off the feeling creeping over his skin, he heard other hoofbeats, not just hooves either, he heard paws and claws thudding, hitting the ground, all travelling in the same direction he was, others, unseen, just out of reach, just out of view... but if he looked ahead, he could see shadowy figures at the edges of his vision.

The more he ran, the closer the chasing hooves? paws? claws?.... feet? felt like they were getting, he wasn't too concerned though, still ... he swerved this way and that, attempting to avoid a straight line, he even ran in a circle to see if he could get behind whoever it was that was chasing, but the location of the thundering behind him never seemed to change, it was never more to the left or more to the right, it was always just right behind him.

Until..... a dead end was coming up, he could see the dark mass of what seemed to be the end of the small valley. He ground his teeth together in annoyance now, his heart thudding and he stopped, hooves skidding to a stop, even as he halted, he turned around "WELL COME GET ME THEN, I'LL BEAT YOU ALL SENSELESS" he screamed into the void, stomping his hooves as the thudding got louder and louder, so close he thought his ears would burst with how loud it was... and then suddenly he was scrambling, his hooves kicking up leaves as he thrashed on the ground, where he had made his bed the night before. "What the f......???"

(362 words)