Dustin Reeves

Name:Dustin Reeves
Hometown:Stamford, CT
Entrance Music:PhaseOne x Void of Vision - Eyes Wide Shut

Entrance Moves:
Silence fills the arena until PhaseOne x Void of Vision - Eyes Wide Shut begins to play through the speakers. The crowd begins to boo as they know what is to come next.

Six feet deep
Is it ignorant bliss
Or am I just sick?
Two fates sealed with a switchblade twist
You're coming undone so quick
My eyes wide shut coz if I blink then I'll miss it

Dustin Reeves dips through the curtains as the crowd begins to boo louder. His face dons his famous smirk as his take his left hand and adjusts his sunglasses. He begins his walk down the ramp as the chorus of the song comes in.

If I'm your savior how can I be saved?
The weight of the world's crashing over me
Am I insane because I need the pain?
I can't feel a thing till my bones break
Till my bones break
I keep pushing it further and further within..
No one can see, where I can't feel a thing

Dustin slides into the ring and raises his arms above his head as the music picks up. He removes his entrance attire tossing it into a corner and then begins to stretch.

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In-Ring Attire

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Entrance Attire


Common Moves:
Dragon Screw
Back Breaker
German Suplex
Corner Chops
Arm Drag
Finger Stomp
Lou Thez Press
Mounted Punches
Monkey Flip

Signature Moves:
Seeing Stars

Fallen Star

Curtain Call



Gimmick: Dustin Reeves was made for wrestling since birth. He comes from a long line of wrestling. Following in his father's footsteps he joined the high school wrestling team excelling there and making it to the Varsity squad. It seemed like things were going Dustin's way with a college scholarship on the horizon until a severe knee injury sidelined him. With all the colleges now refusing to honor their scholarships Dustin was forced to find his way in the world. He turned to being a bouncer at bars but times turned hard after Dustin's father passed away and he was forced to take over the house payments and debts left behind. With a need for money Dustin turned to a man named Frankie Valentine where he was introduced to the underground gambling scene in New York. There he became an enforcer for the Russian Mob where he smashed heads for a hefty price. Years passed and Dustin turned hard and cold. It wasn't until his dying mother asked him to stop his ways that he took a good hard look at himself. Deep down he knew he had always been meant for more. The quest for gold starts here...


Match Type Expertise:N/A

Match Type Weakness:Tag Team

Weapon Expertise: Baseball bat

Division: Heavyweight

Title History:N/A