[ The following happens later in the show, after the Show Opener. ]

The camera pans out to a break in the scheduled programming, to show none other than perennial heel, Nuke Fusion.

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Dressed in his red wrestling attire, he had a smirk on his face as he addressed the DHW fans.

"Well, well, well.. it seems as though 'The Redeemer' has been given a chance at redemption.

It seem as though the great and amazing Nuke Fusion.. will be given his chance at Championship gold here in DHW.

But, let's be honest, it's because the show needs ratings.

He paused for a second, reaching into a pocket and pulling out the same set of brass knuckles that he had used in his match against Cartwright.

"These got me in some trouble last week, and ended up initial chances at the World Championship. You see, the refs usually are deaf, dumb, and blind.

But, for some reason, on this occasion.. they were able to catch me in the act.

Cartwright, find yourself lucky. Lucky that the ref caught me, otherwise we both know where the match would have finished.

It would have finished with you looking up at the rafters, me hooking your leg, and the referee counting the one.. two.. three.

Nuke looked at his brass knuckles, then to a TV next to him. A still image of Drako Damone sat on screen, the video paused from the show opener announcement from earlier.

"Drako has gifted his favourite nemesis a chance at Championship gold again.. the Dragonheart Championship.

A name fitting for Nuke Fusion, the man who has thwarted and beaten the Damone family for the last decade and a half.

Fusions eat Dragon hearts for breakfast.. it fuels us.. it gives us life.

Now, it is time for the head of the Fusion family to become the inaugural Dragonheart Champion, and prove to everyone that they just.. aren't.. good enough.

The camera looked back to Nuke again, as he smirked once more .. and the camera faded away, with Fusion looking at his brass knuckles.