The scene opens with a dramatic fade-in, revealing the charismatic pro wrestler, Cartwright, backstage.
The crowd’s cheers echo through the corridors, their excitement palpable at his appearance.
Dressed to impress in a sharp suit, Cartwright embodies the epitome of professionalism, having spent the day promoting the show.

Cartwright: "Welcome everyone to the first Dragon Honor Wrestling Pay-Per-View of the year, Return Of The Mack!
It's going to be an eventful evening, as two new champions will be crowned!
The DHW Dragonheart Championship and the match that has my full attention, the DHW World Heavyweight Championship!"

His eyes sparkle with uncontained excitement, the thrill of participating in the show’s Main Event evident.

Cartwright: "Myself and my opponent, Trent, have had a tough road to get to this moment.
I was able to be victorious against the legendary Nuke Fusion and the returning Creeker to make it here tonight in the Finals of the tournament to crown the new champion, while Trent defeated the newcomer Mack "Real Deal" Ferrigno and later won a Triple Threat match featuring the giants Bison Mbadi and Good Question!"

As he prepares his final statement, Cartwright’s demeanor shifts, his expression serious yet determined.

Cartwright: "Trent, congratulations on making it this far.
But like I said in the beginning, this tournament is about me claiming my spot at the top of DHW!
If I have to go through you, the former champion, tonight to do so, then so be it!
I didn't return to be second best, I want it all and I take it tonight!"

It's time to finish this promo with a bang.

Cartwright: "This isn’t just about the championship, it’s about proving to myself and to the world that I have what it takes.
It’s about the sweat, the blood, and the tears shed in the ring.
It’s about the countless hours of training, the sacrifices made and the obstacles overcome.
This is my moment, my time to shine.
I promise you, when the dust settles, it will be me standing tall, not just as the DHW World Heavyweight Champion, but as a symbol of perseverance and determination.
So, Trent, prepare yourself.
Because tonight, the world will witness the rise of a new champion and his name is Cartwright!"

With a confident smile playing on his lips, Cartwright strides off-camera, leaving the scene to fade out, the anticipation for the upcoming match reaching a fever pitch.

Drogan: "Wow, what a promo from Cartwright!
He’s not just here to compete, he’s here to dominate.
His determination is palpable and his confidence is off the charts.
He’s clearly done his homework on Trent, acknowledging his accomplishments while asserting his own ambitions.
Cartwright’s journey to this point has been nothing short of inspiring and he’s ready to etch his name in the annals of DHW history.
If his performance in the ring is anything like his promo, then Trent has a serious fight on his hands.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are in for an unforgettable match!"