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history of the were wolf

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:16 pm
If you have anything to add to this or any opinion to share, I would love to hear it so please feel free to post it ^^

The Were Wolf

Were Wolf the word derives from old-Saxon Wer meaning man and wolf. As well as often-used Greek terms like Lycanthropy or Lycanthrope, which is a synonymous to were wolf. Lycanthrope or were wolf by definition is a man who turns in to a wolf under the influence of the full moon, and occasionally voluntarily. They also Involuntarily transform if under a curs or spell.

Were Wolves can be traced back as far as the middle ages, even more in the 15th century to the 17th century in Europe. But I think they can be traced back much further, going back hundreds, no Thousands of years, to the Gods. Lets take a tripe from the middle ages Europe to Egypt in the beginning.
Anubis also known as Inpu, Anpu, Imeut, Ienpw. He was the God of the-Place-of-Embalming. He was also looked upon as a Lord being, Lord-of-the-Place-of-Embalming. Anubis is one of the most ancient Gods, he was the god of death even before Osiris. Anubis was a man with the head of a jackal. But his head was black unlike a real jackal. This represents his position as the god of the dead. He is next to never shown as a full human, but there is one picture of him in the Temple of Abydos to Rameses II. There is also a statue of him as a full jackal in the tomb of Tutankhamun.
I think this may be the earliest known were wolf despite what scientists think.
Anubis fits the Description of a were wolf almost perfectly. For him to be a were wolf at this time and humans having as to no Idea what they were. It (or he or she) could take advantage of this and become worshiped.

They say that a were wolf is a punishment a pone one who was not good enough to be a man and was punished accordingly. I do not think this is entirely so seeing as there have been reports of people being disemboweled in ways that would be impossible for another human to do.

Going back to the middle ages now I do think that the were wolf can be Traced in Europe scientifically, mostly having to do with Alchemy, Medicine, witch craft and Wheat production. Despite my earlier findings in were wolves (Anubis) Scientist persist that the were wolf was “created” in the middle ages.

Alchemy was the study of science and medicine. “Doctors” of the middle ages like Nicholas Flamel would research Alchemy and Medicine. In some cases it involved Witchcraft for some. These “Doctors” would create simple medicines that would heal you. For example if you has a skin aeration they would give you a cream to rub on your skin to make it better. There were many cases where after they put on the cream the persons skin would begin to crawl and feel as though there were hair growing all over a person. The Person suffering from the affects of the cream would some times go mad. Some scientist suspect that there may have been a now illegal modern drug in the cream of medicine that would case the person to become “high” and hallucinate that he or she was a were wolf, and would some times go out and commit heinous crimes.
During the Middle Ages we do know there was a year when there was more then usual rainfall. During this time it could have caused the crops to go bad and grow small amounts of mold on the wheat grains them selves. This would have gone un-noticed from the rest of the population. When the farmers took they’re crops to be turned in to flower the mold would have gotten grounded it with the flower and any other batches to be made after that crop or set of wheat. When the farmers took to Flower home and or sold it to other families it would have been turned in to Bread. There for the hole population (well most of it) would ingest this mold. This year is when the Were wolf sittings and casting of witches spells got the worst. When in actual case the mold being toxic to the people, were causing seizures and for people once again to hallucinate.

There are even modern cases that would support the Medical side of the augment. A good example would be the 20-year-old referred to as Mr. M. His name says in closed in the article that I have found. The article was the November 1975 issue of The Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal. Mr. M when serving for the US military in Europe left his post for a little while, so he could ingest LSD. The drug cased him to think that his body was covered in hair and he felt the incredible erg to chase down and kill rabbits with his bare hands and devour them. Even after having emitted him self in a mental ward and many weeks of Psycho therapy and anti-hallucinate drugs he continued to think he was a were wolf.

Another one was the 37 year old who after serving in the US navy begun to think he too was a wolf. He would Howl at the moon and sleep in cemeteries. He also let his Hair grow out so he would look as though he was a wolf. When he was imitated to the hospital they did a Brain biopsy which revealed abnormal physiological deterioration of cerebral tissue. This Case would cause people to ponder upon the Nature Vs Nurture question.
Some other good cases that would go along with this one would be the Genie and Victor cases. These are also known as the wild child cases. The people that found him were not sure of his age but guessed around 12 years old. He was found wondering the woods by Saint Sernin sur Rance, in southern France at the end of 18th century. When people to catch him he was unable to speak like a normal human. He would spit, growl, bark and howl like a wolf.
Genie was found at the age of 10 locked in a room. She was tied down to a small toilet like seat. Her mother and father raised her. She had very little contact with them and the room was very dark. She had never been out of that room. It was guessed that when she did try and make noises she was hit. When she was discovered she was unable to speak or walk properly. Genie would also spit, make grunting/growling noises, and occasionally bark or yelp like a dog. She was skittish like a rabbit at first but after awhile began to open out to people.
So even though Genie had no contact to the out side world she still ended up very similar in behavior to that of a dogs.

The first documented case of a were wolf was in 1591in German the town Colongne and Bedburg. There was a man that went by the name of Peter Stubbe. He started practicing in sorcery at the age of 12. He became so obsessed with it that he tried to make a Pact with the Devil himself. When he was caught he confessed to 16 different murders. He would wear the skins of wolves he had killed over his body. He would then go wait in the field for little girls or boy. He would capture them Rape and Kill them. He would then devour different body parts off his pray and drink the warm blood right from their bodies. But he didn’t just target children he would also go after late night travelers and any one in the woods alone.
The court of the small towns strapped him to a torture wheel and continued to Beat him, whip him, Brake all the bones they could in his body, Dismember him and then burn his remains.

This story can be connected in ways to the 1977 story that the, The American Journal of Psychiatry covered. It was about a woman who was 49 year. She would get bizarre cravings to wolf like things. She even at one point stopped seeing her reflection in the mirror and would see the head of a wolf. No matter the amount of treatment this woman got, she just got worse. At one point in time she Clamed that she was possessed by the Devil and would have frequent spasms when his other being in side her would speak out to the doctors around her.

Even though it is said that the 1591 case is the first documented case of a were wolf there are stories from Greek Mythology documenting the were wolf. It is said that Zuse disguised him self as a traveler. When he went to Arcadian King Lycaon trying to fool him it didn’t work. The king tried to feed Zuse cooked human flesh. Zuse saw through the trick and didn’t eat and as a punishment the king was transformed in to at wolf for the rest of his life. The word were wolf in the culture derives from Greek lykos - wolf, and anthropos - man.

All Cultures had there version of the were wolf since the beginning of time. Egypt had Anubis, Europe had the were wolf, Japan had he Beju and seven tailed foxes, North America had the Windego, Greece had the gods to punish people by turning them in to wolves. So no matter there were wolf did exist to some extent (I do believe in were wolves!). These are just a few examples.

A collection of nerve cells in the brain involved in thinking, learning, remembering, and planning that is susceptible to Alzheimer's disease.
Larynx: The part of the trachea that allows a human to speak and or an animal to make noise.
OK so now that we have those definition out of they way I can get to my next point. These To are very closely related seeing as the CC (Cerebral-Cortex) is what allows us to think about how we communicate. The CC stores all that information like out language and how to use it in ever day life. The Chimpanzee’s CC is very much like a humans they can think like us and store info like humans can, but the CC of a Chimps is much smaller then that of a humans. But the Larynx on the other hand is not as developed as our own, there for disallowing Chimps and Humans to communicate like I would to another person. Now in the one case of the Gent from the Navy, the Doctors said that his CC tissues were abnormal. They guessed that is what cased the wolf like behavior. The Doctors didn’t cover the part about his Larynx. In order for the Gent to have been making all these “realistic” noises that wolf would make would mean his Larynx would have had to change too. So here is another theory, What if when the CC changes, your Larynx does as well? This would allow one to adjust to their environment and take on the new features. Thus proving that change is possible. This means that it is actually possible for a human to turn in to a wolf of sorts. In no research though has it shown that one can change fully in to a wolf. But the CC and the Larynx could prove that it is possible that one can change only so far. As a wolf a person would have a lot of adrenaline in their system allowing them to run further and faster, The person could very well grow out extra hair seeing as they would be out in the bush a lot and their system would be working over time. All this would give the perception that a human is now a were wolf.

When it comes to Transformation they say that there are many ways to become a were wolf. I know just few of the many ways that can be listed. Wolf Bain (a.k.a. Wolf Vain- This name tends to be more common), Drinking water from a wolf print in the ground, Some other herb (I can’t remember the name of it right now and I can’t seem to be able to find it on the net or in the books), Being bitten by a were wolf, A curse, Punishment, being born in to it (well that one is a given).
There is no Cure to being a were wolf except for death and that is quite the challenge unless the were wolf commits suicide. You can kill one by Shooting it with silver, Certain types for poisons, I also hear that staking them as well will kill them but I think that one is just a myth, burning the were wolf. The were wolf can also die of old age like another person, they can die by drowning or any another accidental deaths. The were wolf does not have a prolonged life, they live as long as a human would.
Some Breeds have the ability to change at will and others are forced to, they can’t help it.

The there is the Hollywood Perception of the were wolf. Through them there has arisen many new “breeds” as you may call it. Most of the breeds are not real they are just made up for money and entertainment. They also are given the Perception that they are evil ruthless killers (Which in some ways could be right). They are some time seen as the good guy but not very often (Although there has been a new trend in the were wolf being the good guy). The were wolf image is not a very good one, I haven’t yet to find a good were wolf movie that doesn’t make them look cheesy or fake.
Hollywood makes it very hard to distinguish what are the real facts from the fake facts. Now days kids are fed fake lies about the mythological world, they tend to think that the Movies are always right. The main stream were wolf is no were near what it actually is. It takes a good amount of effort to see what the were wolf truly is.

In my opinion The were wolf could have been created as punishment to a being on earth and it has just spread from there. From Anubis to the modern teen wolf, it is very possible that the were wolf could have once lived or it could even be living in this modern time still.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:05 pm
Where did you get your information on this? It appears very well researched.  

Ature Manti


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:07 am
Ature Manti
Where did you get your information on this? It appears very well researched.

Google, Dogpile, yahoo, ask jeeves, and so on and so forth and my own information that I know from reading and watching to many Discovery channal documentries...

^^ No one can say that you can't learn from TV
I watch Discovery, history, TLC, CLT, Travel and so on and so forth. ^^  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 12:03 pm
I wish I were a were wolf in one way but then again some times I am glad that I am human.  


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:24 am
Very interesting. 3nodding  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:39 am
too long but very intresting....  



PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:25 am
I like reading about werewolves. I like reading about any kinds of wolves, period. ninja  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:09 pm
It brobably took as twice as long for me to write it then for you to read it, so there for it is not too long ^^ lolz
Thats the way I look at it. biggrin  


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Convulsive Gummi Bear

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:26 am
[[. .Werewolves make me happy. <3]]
PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:46 am
Why would they possibly make you happy? They tear peoples throats out and then feed on them. They could be your best friend, but when they turn they wouldn't know who their mother was, much less you. Why would that make you happy? If one of my friends actually was a werewolf, I would be in a lot of pain for them.  

Ature Manti

Convulsive Gummi Bear

PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:32 pm
Ature Manti
Why would they possibly make you happy? They tear peoples throats out and then feed on them. They could be your best friend, but when they turn they wouldn't know who their mother was, much less you. Why would that make you happy? If one of my friends actually was a werewolf, I would be in a lot of pain for them.

[[Possibly because, watching throats being torn apart causes my lip to twitch into a smile? Oo;
I already know they'd have a tragic little history and life for them with all the decisions to make..>> Whether or not they'd want to end it all because they're taking other lives to continue? Or making the lives they live off worse ._.
But I still take fancy to them.

They're pretty too.. =o -shrugs- I just get happy when I see them on movies and stuff <3]]
PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:50 am
Ature Manti
Why would they possibly make you happy? They tear peoples throats out and then feed on them. They could be your best friend, but when they turn they wouldn't know who their mother was, much less you. Why would that make you happy? If one of my friends actually was a werewolf, I would be in a lot of pain for them.

[[Possibly because, watching throats being torn apart causes my lip to twitch into a smile? Oo;
I already know they'd have a tragic little history and life for them with all the decisions to make..>> Whether or not they'd want to end it all because they're taking other lives to continue? Or making the lives they live off worse ._.
But I still take fancy to them.

They're pretty too.. =o -shrugs- I just get happy when I see them on movies and stuff <3]]

I agree, werewolves are pretty ^^ and they make me smile lolz
But not all were wolves lose conchesness to whom people are....  


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Ature Manti

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:39 pm
Well, until I am shown a werewolf that does not lose consciousness of others while they are changed, I will stick with what I know.  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:35 pm
Ature Manti
Well, until I am shown a werewolf that does not lose consciousness of others while they are changed, I will stick with what I know.

but now the question is have you ever seen a werewolf that has lost their consciuosness?  


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