I just got invited to this guild a couple days ago, and I thought it's be pretty cool to post here and stuff. ;DD

    Uhh right. Anyways. Anybody selling Golden Laurels?

    Anybody know anybody selling Golden Laurels? [xD]

    I uh, sold my Winged Anklets and I'm trying to sell an Apr, May and Aug 06 letter, to raise more moolah. [Anybody wanna buy?]

    I'm not really having any luck finding an offer for the laurels. [or selling my letters]

    Anybody wanna buy/sell?

    Thanks so much! ;D

    oh! And if I take forever to respond here, you can try PMing me. >w<

    [one last thing: I read the rules in the main fourm, but I couldn't find rules for this fourm...? Sorry if I didn't look hard enough >< But uh, if I'm breaking any rules, please let me know so I can change my post or whatever I may need to do. >w< Thanks! ;DD]