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Acerbic Song

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:46 pm
This is my first SasukexHinata fanfiction for Naruto. I did it sometime in February for a contest, but I didn't get as much feedback as I'd have liked to have.

So...feed back! D:


Random acts of kindness always...bothered me after the "incident." Or, perhaps, kindness in general, the emotion by itself, irked something in me, awakened a part of my soul that I had put to sleep long, long ago.

Awakening it would only slow me down.

There was a small--indefinite, but still there---part of me, a part of my childhood that stood out, significant in my memory.

Staring up at the ceiling--plain, white, nothing to be remotely ornamental--I reflected back on the only really...standing...part of my past before...

The massacre.

Anger and hatred--quite different from each other, yet one was born from the former when it had been a bit prolonged in its state--from thinking about it, from thinking about the man who did it, and the scarring, macabre scenes that had been displayed to my currently fragile mind...bubbled up inside of me, always coming when that particular subject came to mind. It had never left me, and began at the same moment, since he told me his reasons, beginning my path to becoming an avenger--for, aren't those qualities needed for such a job?--and fueling my desire to be a ninja, to be better than him, to be...

A murderer. I blinked furiously, narrowing my eyes to turn over in bed, pulling the near nonexistent, or moreover, too thin to be of use, blanket over as well, covering my lean body.

Coming to terms with killing, taking life for various reasons--sometimes not all of them were valid enough to be labeled "reason," but we went through with it anyway for the sake of duty--it was all part of being a true shinobi.

Haku's grave words, spoken with such conviction and belief that could make someone actually believe it, having never met him before, moved along my form of logic.

I frowned, switching over again. Now wasn't the time to be thinking such things, especially when I had already done that the moment I had decided, years ago, to become an avenger.

My memory...I still can't quite remember her words, but I know I had held them close. It had been the day before the massacre, hadn't it? Itachi had surpassed me yet again--of course, it was to be expected; he was a chunin, and I was a child; he had surpassed me enough--and had held it over me, smirking the whole way as hot tears fell down my face...frustration, resentment... Brotherly affection was something that Itachi never possessed, love was something entirely foreign to his soul...or, lack of one.

"Sasuke-kun! Come help me take these cookies out!" my mother called cheerfully as a warm, enticing scent wafted out of the next room, successfully drawing me in, even without her call. As I came into the incredibly bright--the only room in the entire compound with such a blast of colour and maternal air about it--kitchen, the sight of my mother dutifully hanging up anything related to the present holiday occasion--mistletoe (she was often pushing together young couples), holly leaves, a single cross--made me smile a bit.

I had always loved my mother.

Carefully drawing out the hot, metal platter that held the food that had produced a slight drool on the corner of my lips with two towels on the sides to keep from burning my hands, I watched curiously as my mother froze at the door to the living room.

"...Sasuke, will you fetch Itachi for me? Thank you," her monotone voice came from the doorway. I narrowed my eyes, feet itching to see who was there, but decided against it--if she was in remote trouble, she could handle herself. The Sharingan hadn't gifted her with its abilities, but she was a formidable kunoichi before she became a mother.

"Yes, ma'am," I said obediently, bowing, before walking stiffly off to find Itachi.

He was most likely at the training grounds.


"Itachi!" I called, frowning as there was no answer whatsoever. The few, brown, crispy leaves that were still hanging from the trees blowing around me, and with that, I hugged my dark blue jacket around me tighter. It was freezing... My shoes crunched in the snow, and I carefully stepped on it, not wanting to slip.

"Itachi!" I yelled again, eyebrow twitching when there was no response again. He must have heard me if he was out here... "Oh, well. Back inside..." I muttered, breaking into a sprint back to the house.

"Ta! Ha!"

I whipped around, suddenly running towards the voice. Something interesting...it wasn't Itachi, but who else would be in the training grounds at this time?

Entering the clearing undetected, I hid behind a tree, blowing some of the hair out of my face.

A girl?...

She was hitting the standing logs with all the force she could muster, I figured. It wasn't much of a show... Her dark hair came down above her shoulders, cut prim and proper. Pale eyes?... They had no irises...did they even have any colour? I blinked in curiosity, leaning forward. She was around my age. Shorter than me, though, I noticed. Most girls were...

She wasn't getting very far with her training, I could tell. Weak... Her thin, brown clothes clung to her small body, hanging off at some points.

"I-Is someone th-there?" the foreign figure spoke suddenly, turning around shakily. Her pale eyes were wide, and they moved me to stand in front of her, looking down about an inch or so.

"Why are you out here? It's Christmas, and freezing..." I said, staring unblinkingly at her.

She looked down, poking her index fingers together. "I-I...n-needed to train, my father said so..." she murmured.

I gave her a puzzled look, cocking my head to the side in my usual manner of curiosity. "...Doesn't your father--"

"No!" she cried, tears forming at the corners of her eyes, "He doesn't care at all! No one does!" She broke down, sobbing on the ground. Gripping the snow with tight--were her fingers turning blue?--fingers, she cried relentlessly, the drops coming out at a fast rate. She looked completely dejected...

I stepped back quickly, frowning. She was shamelessly crying in front of a complete stranger...this was unexpected...

I suppose I can't just leave her here... Though I'm entirely uncomfortable with the situation... Mother always taught us to help a lady in distress, though does she really count as a "lady?"

Ah, screw it.

Sighing, I bent down, lifting her up to embrace her. Her soft form shook still, not quite registering what was going on. I stood up, bringing her up with me.

"Don't cry," I mumbled, watching as the red leaves blew into her hair--I soon brushed them out-- "It doesn't...fit you." It was true, I mused. Happiness would look wonderful on her fa--

I stopped my thoughts abruptly. ...The hell? Wait, wait, this wasn't one of those "crushes" my mother was talking about?! s**t!

"Th-thank you...?" she mumbled, blinking shyly at my face as a cute blush came over her face...


"Uchiha, Sasuke," I said gruffly, pulling away. The extra warmth provided by her body began to leak out, though there wasn't much to start with...she must have been here for a while.

"Th-thank y-you for m-making m-me feel better, U-Uchiha-san..." she stammered again, bowing. Uchiha-san? That did sound a bit better than what the rest of the girls in the village called me...

"And your name?..."

"O-oh! I-I'm sorry...Hyuga, Hinata."

Hyuga. The name sounded familiar...but nothing popped up. I shrugged mentally. It didn't matter...

"Alright, Hyuga-san. Would you like to join my family for the day?" I inquired evenly, stuffing my hands into my pockets in a casual manner.

My family wouldn't approve, mainly my mother, of leaving a girl out in the cold...on Christmas, no less.

"I-I c-couldn't p-possibly, Uchiha-san..." she murmured, looking away.

I raised an eyebrow. "And why not? It's not like I'm going to let you stay out here anyway."

Her eyes widened. "What--" Before she could get another sound out besides a gasp, I had lifted her up over my shoulders, her legs around my neck, and began sprinting.

"Merry Christmas."




We both looked at each other, anger--and yet, perhaps a light feeling--growing inside my...stomach, or something like that. Covered with tinsel, pine needles--those things would be poking me all day--and various other objects, we both blinked.

And started bursting out laughing.

We had managed to maim the cat's tail, get incredibly hyper off of five cookies each--it was a special occasion, my mother told my father--knock down the box of ornaments on the counter, and knock down the bare tree that was standing on the porch, all in the matter of ten minutes.

The most fun I'd had in a while...

"U-Uchiha-s-san," she laughed through her fits of giggles, "th-thank you s-s-so much for h-having me over! I-It was a blast..." She smiled brightly, moving a bit of hair out of her face. A bit of her shyness had disappeared, replaced by a small, yet not quite insignificant--Sasuke himself certainly appreciated it--mite of confidence.

I grinned."Yeah...but , well, I guess it's time for you to go." Sadness was not something that I showed willingly; perhaps other emotions, but...

I don't want her to go...

That simple realization made me bend over, smooth the hair out of her face, and kiss her softly on the forehead.


"Ino-chan?..." I started helplessly, attempting to juggle the five boxes that had seemed to suddenly appear in my arms. "I-Isn't this e-enough chocolate--?"

"No!" the blonde stated cheerfully, glancing longingly at the clothing side of the store before turning back to the aisle littered with reds and pinks. "You know how much Choji, Naruto, Kiba, and...um, well, you get it, huh?" her distant voice made me blink, running rapidly while still managing to stay out of everyone's way--mostly guys that had completely forgotten about the special day until their beloveds reminded them--towards it.

"Heh, this'll be the last time I get him so much chocolate..." the blonde nin smirked, walking randomly towards the clothing section. Including the ones she wore--a light blue, baggy blouse and dark blue capris--she had so many clothes already... I didn't see why she needed more. Then again, this is Ino-chan...

She picked up a light purple shirt with slices down the sleeves, smiled brightly for a moment, but then grumbled something and walked off, throwing the blouse angrily at the shelf.

"Y-you mean until E-Easter, right I-Ino-chan?" I voiced thoughtfully, still wondering why she wasn't holding anything. I was getting tired.

"Damn, you're right," she sighed, flicking a few blonde strands out of her way. "I'll be broke again...and then Thanksgiving, and Christmas..." she sulked hopelessly.

I laughed slightly and patted her on the back. "I'll lend you s-some of my money!"

"Oh, I couldn't do that!"


"No buts! Now, let's go! Onward!"


Gripping the white rose stem in her hands, she took a deep breath, and walked forward into Konoha's main streets, busy with people. The air was heavy with the tension of the day, and the winter air of Konoha, which left her rubbing her nose continuously. Every time someone happened to bump into her, she apologized, and did the same for when it was really her fault. They gave her not a glance.

The girl shivered, and pulled her thin coat and black hat farther around her. The temperature had dropped since she had last come outside...

"Hinata! Hinata-chan!"

She turned around and fell over as a weight fell into her; she gasped for breath.

"Oh! Sorry, sorry!" the pink-haired girl stood up, brushing herself off while helping the other up. She wore a long, dark blue blouse, long black gloves, and black pants, and no hat. The people around them seemed to actually notice the two now, and tried to avoid them best they could. The smaller girl, Hinata, frowned, but mentioned nothing to the other. Ignore it...

"Can I help with anything, Sakura-chan?" she asked, smiling, adjusting her white leather bag to a more comfortable position. A white shirt had been thrown on clumsily in the morning, and black pants, and her hair was the only thing really neat about the ensemble.

Sakura smirked, leaning closer to Hinata; the shorter's face reddened and she leaned back.

"That rose is for whom, Hinata-chan?"


Sakura became like a vulture in a second, hovering over her object of fixed attention and staring at it greedily--or, rather, curiously, in this case. "Whooo? Come on, is it Naruto-kun? Kiba-kun?" She thought for a moment. "...Shino-kun?"

Hinata bit her lip, relaxing her position and staring at a candy wrapper on the ground for a while. Tell her?... Sakura and she had been friends for a long while--wouldn't it make sense to tell her? Reveal her secrets?

But...what she over him yet? She had no way of knowing, since...

Trust. Her eyes shone it, glaring at the Hyuga.

"All right, all right, I give," Hinata sighed, waving her hands around in the air in a gesture of defeat. Sakura jumped up excitedly, gripping her shoulders and twirling her around. The older kunoichi seemed intoxicated by something; something other than Valentine's Day. It passed Hinata's train of thought for a fleeting moment.

"But...I also am going to tell you something, so hurry," she laughed. Hinata nodded slowly, waving Sakura over to a secluded bench by a magazine shop.

Only one place to start.

"Sasuke." It was so plainly stated and clear, so lovingly stated, that it didn't register at first in Sakura's mind. The girl was halfway to her gloves to pull them up farther when she stopped.

Hinata held her breath, gripping her bag tighter, knuckles turning white...

"I'm so ******** happy!" the kunoichi shrieked, knocking Hinata over the bench in a large hug.


"What the hell?! Why didn't you say so sooner?! ...Oh, oh, right. Well, be assured, no." A contentment that hadn't been there before came across Sakura's face; she pushed a few strands of dark hair out of the shocked Hinata's face.

"Now, I'll tell you my news." She grinned, and Hinata knew that the bombardment and girlish glee was to be postponed.

"I'm getting married! To..."


I wandered around the compound grounds, a neutrality that came with the morning with me. Birds twittered in the oaks and saplings, searching for bugs and nuts. The cold of winter hadn't yet sunk in yet; I was out in a thin pair of black pants and a dark blue shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back, nearly glowing today.

Optical illusion, I assumed. My feet padded on the grass and sand, walking towards the main house entrance.

The "girls" weren't out searching for me yet, sweets and such in their limber arms--they got enough exercise chasing after me, especially the ones who weren't kunoichi and didn't have missions to attend to, and training.

I had come out for a few breaths of fresh air, though memories had began to haunt me again; they hadn't done so at this level of force in years.

A hum came out of my throat, a tune I didn't recognize, which didn't happen often.

I didn't listen to music, besides nature, at all. Maybe that memory that popped up last night was the culprit? Eh, maybe, maybe not. It didn't matter...

Though I longed to see her again. I froze at the next step, part from his thought, and part from the sounds coming from the path to the Uchiha Clan's grounds.

Darting back up into the foliage of nearby oaks, I trained my senses onto the figure coming through, it not trying to be stealthy at all.

A sense of tension and relief came over me. I swung upside down, startling the girl.

"Well? Do you need something?"

I swore I saw a blush come over her face.

Hyuga, Hinata.

The little girl from my memory...


Her will was subsiding--it was much easier to think about it than actually doing it. The rose fluttered in the wind that blew, and his eyes darted toward it.


"A rose?... For who?" I demanded, peering more closely with the Sharingan at it. White, rare. Why had I activated it? And why was I demanding something about a flower?

She stumbled with her lips, settling on the letter "u" after a while. "Uh...U-umm..."

My impatience grew. I flicked dark blue hair out of my face. It had to be clear I couldn't stand around all day; especially not today.

Though I didn't mind staring at her lips and...

Mm. Bad thoughts. Halt..

"I wanted to..." her soft voice was slow and deliberate, unlike what her voice usually was--unsure. "I wanted to give you this white rose, Uchiha-san. Sakura..."

And at once, I knew what she was getting at. My own face grew a bit hot, but neither of us took much notice of it--Hyuga still had her face downcast towards the rose.

I knew I didn't love her...this was a crush...never thought I'd get one. Never, I thought bemused, thought I'd be so calm about it, either.

It wasn't love.

"Sakura didn't send you. She's too confident for that. Besides, she's got someone now," I said blandly, putting a finger under her chin to raise her red face, growing paler. Her light blue eyes shone with something I couldn't yet comprehend, yet knew.

"R-right...well, it's for you, from me." My finger left her face, and the comforting warmth left me, too. "I know Valentine's Day isn't very special to you, but..."

He silenced her with a swift kiss to the right cheek.

"Hm, you're right, Hyuga. I prefer Christmas."

It didn't mean he couldn't, in time, love her.


I remember something about the change in POV that was messed up in here...so, uh, if you find that, please don't comment on that. XD
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:17 pm
That was very cute! whee Before I had never even though of SasuHina, but this short story proves me wrong! I love the way you made it so innocent, but still keeping the characters, well,...in character! Nice job wink  


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Acerbic Song

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:41 pm
That was very cute! whee Before I had never even though of SasuHina, but this short story proves me wrong! I love the way you made it so innocent, but still keeping the characters, well,...in character! Nice job wink

Thank you~! =D
PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:20 pm
oooh, It's adorable! Very nice writing style 3nodding  

oO Starling Oo
Vice Captain

Acerbic Song

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:31 pm
oooh, It's adorable! Very nice writing style 3nodding

Thanks! :3
Wasn't aware I had a writing style yet. <___<;
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:16 am
I really liked that. Makes me want to go and try to start another Naruto fanfic..mine never seem to get finished.

It almost makes me like Sasuke again...but I still hate him.


Enduring Shapeshifter

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Acerbic Song

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:58 pm
I really liked that. Makes me want to go and try to start another Naruto fanfic..mine never seem to get finished.

It almost makes me like Sasuke again...but I still hate him.

Thank you. (:

/laugh/ I've pretty much fallen out of the Naruto series, but I've always liked Sasuke.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:43 pm
CUTE!!! I love it.  

99 broken hearts


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