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Gripping the end of the walking cane, Sena Kobayakawa uneasily walked towards the football team room, as the afternoon sun shown his wounds, as his bruises were deep from the training he underwent with the Team’s dog, Ceberus. He was used to being a tiny, muscular-less boy that could run fast, and before couldn’t stand up for himself. He had run away from his enemies, and had only one friend, a girl whom has had his back. But after an encounter with terrifying, juvenile delinquent, had he been introduced to a game of skill, wit, and cunning, and which also tested strength, speed, and determination. He had entered the world of Football.

Little after did he discover the true power he had inside of him, and no later became the notorious ‘Eyeshield 21’, a supposed ‘great hero from Notre Dame’ and the core of the Devil Bats team, with a mysterious face, whom only few know who he really is. He had no longer had the face of a scared boy, always hiding in the shadows with power locked away in the masses. He had become a football champion. Now, he faces all sorts of new enemies and friends, on the field and not along the way, and gaining a new love. Sena looked up at the streetlight from which he stood under. He smiled as he remembered the past 4 years, and now come to his end with his football career, with the final game being held the next week.

A figure appeared as Sena approached the building. It walked up to him, leaving a shadow that lay out beyond him, many times his size. He thought to turn and run, but stayed and smiled, as he was welcomed by a gigantic hug. “Sena! You actually out ran Ceberus with the fastest time ever!” Ryokan Kurita exclaimed happily in his #77 football uniform, squeezing his body, until eventually hearing a crack in the spine of him, then releasing up, causing Sena to fall to the ground. “Yup! I did the 100 mile dash in 8.5 seconds,” Raising himself unsteadily.

Another guy in a uniform had left out the building and noticed them. He jumped high in the air as he ran up to them, and caught an imaginary football in the air, as if it were a magnificent catch, struck a pose on one knee, with his right arm in the air, and his index finger pointing upwards. “Taro Raimon, --er, Monta, ready for action!” Sena laughed, soon followed by Kurita. Monta got up and put both his arms around both of them. “Well, we all are done with our training, and I’m sure were prepared for next week’s game, so why don’t we….” The sound of his voice was soon replaced by yells, as gunfire appeared at all of their feet. A figure walked up in a black outfit with a snarl on his face. “You guys aren’t goin’ anywhere!”

Hiruma walked up as bullets from his gun dropped at his feet. Letting go of the trigger, he hoisted the gun over his shoulder. “We’re going to have practice over in the old lot we used to practice,” He said as he reached for his cell phone inside his pocket. He flipped it open and called a number, only to hear a blast of “Hah? Haah? HAAAH?!” He slowly turned to face the 3.“Get the others.” Sena nodded and dashed off towards the way of the team manager and his longest friend, Mamori Anezaki. Monta ran in the direction to get Manabu Yukimitsu, a fellow with a rather large head, and whom had strayed from his studies. Then Kurita hobbled to retrieve Daikichi Komusubi, a determined linebacker who respects Kurita and rivals the Hah Brothers.

Sena crossed a corner, and skidded into a dark lane. He gulped his fear down with sweat going down his face. “Well, it is the shortest route to Mamori’s….” Running a little distance more, he ran out into a more open area, which had led to another ally. He began to slow down when he heard a grunting noise coming from not too far away. Sena looked curious as he rapidly and easily found where it was coming from. He entered an empty small basketball court, only inhabited one man, whom was playing basketball. His jet-black hair filled with sweat ran down his muscular body, giving his figure a glistening shine. The pants he wore began to slide down from the waist. Sena walked towards the court in amazement as Seijuro Shin noticed his presence.

Shin passed him a water bottle as they both sweated massively as they sat on the ground, and their backs to the building’s cold wall. After playing around of b-ball, Sena had also taken his shirt off from the effect of the heat, although unfortunately, he had no abs to be proud of. Shin looked at him and smiled a little. “You play well out of football.” From that remark, Sena blushed with soft eyes. “T-Thanks….” He said, drinking slowly form the bottle, secretly averting his eyes to stare at his opponent’s shirtless chest. He began to cough and choke on the water from not focusing on how much he was raising the bottle. Shin went back to his serious theme, and raised him up.

He wrapped his arms around him from the back, squeezing him as the extra water gushed form Sena’s mouth. He let go, and Sena glanced back at him with an abashed face as he wiped his mouth. “Thanks…I almost choked.” Shin raised his hand in a friendly gesture. “Don’t worry about it.” He looked up and felt a soft tickle on his nose. Suddenly, a downpour befell them, soaking both of them. Sena ran off under a ledge, where the rain poured off the edge of the house above him. Shin quickly retreated under there as well, as he wrapped his coat around Sena. “Why don’t you start heading off for home now,” He said looking directly into Sena’s eyes. “Have my coat that I brought with me, so you don’t catch a cold on the way.”

Sena smiled and bowed. He turned to head off, but only to be stopped by Shin’s hand, (which kinda hurt, ‘cuz shin used his spear tackle a little). He spun him around, and Sena soon felt a warm, soft sensation on his lips. Faced interlocked, Sena blushed furiously as Shin kissed him with his eyes closed. He let go and opened his eyes. Sena began to shake from the moment. Shin looked at him but said nothing, for his silence had words. Sena shivered with a mix of pleasure and confusion as he ran off towards his house as he was told.