Copy the character forms below and create a topic on each character, with their name, and what they are, as the title. If you are going to work on it in section go ahead and place under construction or something to the likes.

General Information is the basic form, you then choose what you want to be and copy that form.

General Information Form
[b]Character name[/b]:
[b]Age[/b]: (Human and Shinigami age differently remember that)

Shinigami Information
[b]Division Seat[/b]:
[b]Zanpakuto's Name[/b]:
[b]Zanpakuto Spirit[/b]:
[b]Zanpakuto Appearance Sealed[/b]:
[b]Zanpakuto Shikai[/b]: (Discription and Abilities)
[b]Bankai[/b]: (Only for those that are Captians or three very lucky individuals, for the time being.)

Soul Seer Information
[b]Job[/b]: (What they do, school, teacher, book store owner, ect.)
[b]Soul Weapon Name[/b]: What is the name of your characters' Soul Weapon?
[b]Soul Weapon Description[/b]: What does the Soul Weapon look like?
[b]Soul Weapon Attacks or Abilities[/b]: what does your soul weapon do?

Quincy Information
[b]Holy Charm[/b]: (The charm the character uses to create their spiritual bow)
[b]Spiritual Bow[/b]: (This can be any projectile weapon from the standard bow to a gun)

Bount Information
[b]Job[/b]: (What they do, school, teacher, book store owner, ect.)
[b]Soul Weapon Name[/b]: What is the name of your characters' Soul Weapon?
[b]Soul Weapon Description[/b]: What does the Soul Weapon look like?
[b]Soul Weapon Attacks or Abilities[/b]: what does your soul weapon do?

Arrancar Information
[b]Zanpakuto's Name[/b]:
[b]Zanpakuto Spirit[/b]:
[b]Zanpakuto Appearance Sealed[/b]:
[b]Zanpakuto Release Description[/b]: This is the alteration of the character appearance, meaning I will want a description of what the person turns into.

Vizard Information
[b]Zanpakuto's Name[/b]:
[b]Zanpakuto Spirit[/b]:
[b]Zanpakuto Appearance Sealed[/b]:
[b]Zanpakuto Shikai[/b]: (Discription and Abilities)
[b]Mask Spirit Name[/b]:
[b]Mask Spirit Appearance[/b]:
[b]Mask Description:[/b]
[b]Metamorphosis Description[/b]:
[b]Hollow Ability[/b] (Only one)