Statements attacking a religion are not allowed.

While some religions may have discriminatory rules or natures, the religion does not necessarily define all the people practicing it, and generalizing the people observing the religion is very likely to offend people.

As a guild whose goal it is to promote tolerance, anti-religious statements are against our rules. From this point forward, doing so will be counted as harassment and will result in a warning. Two offenses will result in a suspension from the guild, and three will result in being banned from the guild.

What's not allowed:
"I hate [insert religious group here]."
"[Insert religion here] is stupid."

What is allowed:
"Certain aspects of [insert religion here] are hypocritical, because [insert reason here]."

As long as it does not attack the religion as a whole or the people practicing the religion, is well-thought out and not offensive, it's fine. If you have questions about what is and isn't allowed, please ask a crew member.