Character name: Gwirloth Caran
Age: 200
Gender: Female
Appearance: Gwirloth
Background: Gwirloth's parents while she was growing up were very keen on having Gwirloth follow the rules so when she didn't she was severely punished. Gwirloth lost her eye sight when she was about 6 years old, she was she was investigating a sound she heard in an area that she shouldn't have been and had some kind of liquid fall into her eyes causing her blindness, but because of this she learned her gift of sight (This will be explained below). At the age of 8 she learned that she had Shinigami powers, and her parents were excited for her, as they too were Shinigami. Just before she started going to her classes Gwirloth's parents disappeared, as they had gone to the Earth Realm and never returned, they are blaming what happened on a Hollow.

Though Gwirloth couldn't see the books, though she was a quick study especially after she was able to make a friend with, Naurloth, to help her. Gwirloth didn't tell Naurloth about her ability to see what was arond her such as seeing different colors for different people, she had kept this hidden from Naurloth till the two were on a field exercise and they were attacked by a Hollow and became separated from the group. Gwirloth could see where the Hollow as well as where the rest of the group were, so with her ability and Naurloth's ability to see normally they were able to fight the Hollow off and regroup with everyone in their class.

After Graduating she and Naurloth went to different divisions Naurloth to the 7th and Gwirloth went to 13th. Less than a month after she graduated the Shinigami school she had achieved her Shikai, Ninglor, that turned from a walking stick to a three jointed halberd. Gwirloth isn't likely to do many missions as she would need a partner to do so, as she would need some one to read or tell her her mission, and she really can't tell if there are any really big clues around.
Personality:Gwirloth normally followed the rules and won't differ from them, unlike her counterpart Naurloth, mostly because Gwirloth had parents who were over bearing. She is also very kind which can be a down fall when she fights, but she can fight when she needs to as she does put her emotions aside. Gwirloth can be a bit curious especially if she hasn't seen a colored aura before (Though it hasn't happened yet), and loves to solve mysteries.
Strengths:Gwirloth mainly uses Binding and Healing Kidous. While Gwirloth doesn't have a reliable sight she uses her other senses to their peak.
The following are the Spirit thread colors that Gwirloth can see I did not which ones she wouldn't know.
Shini - red
hollow - yellow
quincy - Blue
Soul seer - white with red mixed in (DOESN'T know)
human - white
Vizard (DOESN'T know) purple
Arrancar (DOESN'T know) orange
Weaknesses:Gwirloth is weaker than most when it comes to poison either gas or liquid the stuff makes her go down the fastest, though she is still unsure as to why this happens (Guess it makes her a good poison detector. lol). Gwirloth also can't see all attack being sent at her. Gwirloth has a problem using Blast Kidous as she can't see the attack. Gwirloth's eye sight can be flawed, ie Aizen's sword ability of illusion, can throw off even her aura sight.

Division: 13
Division Seat: Lieutenant
Zanpakuto's Name: Ninglor
Zanpakuto Spirit: Water Sprite
Zanpakuto Appearance Sealed: Walking stick
Zanpakuto Shikai: When Lhaw Ninglor is said Ninglor turns into a tri-jointed halberd. When Ninglor is like this water can be formed to attack an enemy, this is at a certain strength and can become weaker rather than stronger, or a watery barrier can be created, long enough to stop fiery attacks as Gwirloth still needs to breathe afterward the shield disappears ready to be used again, this is because Gwirloth can't see every attack.
Bankai: {UNKNOWN} Nen Aenil Ninglor is the release, Ninglor is released from Gwirloth's grib and liquefies to turn into an angel that is made entirely of water, Ninglor has a mind of her own at this point and it's first thing is to protect Gwirloth from harm of attacks, as Gwirloth can't see attacks, Ninglor has to protect Gwirloth, this can be a downfall. With blueish water, and bubble in her. What she looks like is below. pics/Bankai.jpg