Yes this is blood's quest for the ultimate avatar.

What that means is I will continue to build avatars and submit them into Avatar competitions until I win the main avvy contest.

I will keep all items from each quested avatar and build new ones to quest for when I finish my current one (with intervals of course).

I am currently questing for Kitsune Mask.

I currently have 37,000 gold in items and pure for the Kitsune Mask.

User Image
Total Value: 1,727,049 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Kitsune Mask
Outlaw Biker Pants - Ashe Done
Steel-plated Ninja Band
ZONY Discman
Dead Sexy Stone Skull Pin Done
Guitar of Angellus Done
#FFFFFF Complex Shirt M Done
Outlaw Biker Jacket - Ashe Done
Ancient Katana Done
Gray SKA shoes Done