Welcome to the home of Chaifuzz(aka Wii_Kitty) and her soquili.
Avania's stats
Strength: 32 %
Courage: 30%
Speed: 27%
Intelligence: 25%
Luck: 26%
Stamina: 29%
Sonata's stats
Strength: 29%
Courage: 24%
Speed: 26%
Intelligence: 26%
Luck: 31%
Stamina: 24%
Qin Wang's stats
Strength: 86%
Courage: 84%
Speed: 88%
Intelligence: 92%
Luck: 90%
Stamina: 84%
Martin's stats
Strength: 56%
Courage: 57%
Speed: 54%
Intelligence: 50%
Luck: 56%
Stamina: 59%
Kiun's stats
Strength: 77%
Courage: 76%
Speed: 75%
Intelligence: 81%
Luck: 80%
Stamina: 80%
Katrina Von Helson's stats
Strength: 29%
Courage: 30%
Speed: 32%
Intelligence: 26%
Luck: 29%
Stamina: 24%
Symphony's stats
Strength: 44 %
Courage: 49%
Speed: 52%
Intelligence: 51%
Luck: 49%
Stamina: 46%
Acapello's stats
Strength: 9%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 9%
Intelligence: 11 %
Luck: 12%
Stamina: 7%
The Teepee
They all live By a river.