Character name- Verenna

Age- 22

Gender- female

Description- 5' 6" with brown hair and blue eyes. Hair is earlength. Over the last 7 months (the last time jump) she has let her hair grow out, and it is almost past her shoulders now. She does not sing often, but has a lovely low soprano/ high alto voice. Plays the wooden flute (and wooden pipes when she can), and often has a quick smile come to her lips. Very expressive eyes. Wears shades of brown and blue more often than not, as well as black. Yellow, tan and orange are NOT her colors. And Verenna knows it. She has a tight, shy personality, which makes her seem dark in temperment at times.

Status- full rider


Pets- Green Myvonne and Brown Matt (firelizards)

Personality- Gets things done with words, keeps emotions generally to self, unless greatly provoked. VERY shy- so much so that no one notices her unless her temper comes in to play. Has a hard time making friends, but the few that she makes usually last a long time. She has never felt attracted to anyone...until she met R'lan, a transfer rider from Fort. But her innate fear of other dragonriders, coupled with the fact that he was a Bronze, pushes Verenna away from him repeatedly, and also hampers any friendship she may have with him.

Bio/history- Ierine has been her Weyr ever since Impression (but Impression occurred at Ruatha). She had been fostered at Ruatha, having been born in Benden, then 'transferred' with the rest of Mith's clutch to Ieirene after Impression. She learned to play the pipe and flute at age 12, and made her own personal copy of 'Moreta's Ride' at 17. Baneth Impressed with her as dragons usually do, and ever since they met, the two were inseparable. Verenna often played her flute and read out loud to Baneth, even when thinking it would have been enough.

Since she transferred to Ierine, she met the bronze rider R'lan, and not too many other people. Since the time jump, she has found herself caring more and more for him as time went on. Perhaps one day soon they will be weymates? R'lan's bronze Ellorth seems to think so, at any rate.

Origin- Born at Benden, fostered at Ruatha

Dragon's name/color-Baneth/ Green

Dragon's personality- Feisty and temperamental, but loving and caring toward older dragons and Verenna. Insists on getting Verenna 'out there' with the other dragons and riders. Loves talking with other dragons, and is, overall, a busybody. Quite the opposite of Verenna, but that is why they get along so well.

Firelizard: Green: Myvonnne/ Brown Matt

((This needs to be in the Profiles for Approval thread, by the way. I can approve it from here and will, but it still needs to be put up there so greenrider can see it to instead of having to look around the guild for it.))

APPROVED by Dragon_Lady_Selene