The Quest:

What is it you wonder? Well me and my friend have decided to raise 300k between us to get a Dark Halo each (well the target is 300k to make sure we definately get one based on the current prices) in two weeks. Yep two weeks. And today is day three xd

So yeah I imagine anyone would did make a donation was doing so out of pity for our stupidity in attempting such a quest rofl (still it's all in good fun).

(However it may interest you to know, we once did manage to raise something close to 100k in ten days last year so a friend of ours could have a Guitar of Angelus (without doing anything illegal I will point out)! But unfortunately we're not having as much sucess this time!)

Donations aren't essential since they're done at the free will of whoever donates to aid our insanity (lol) but it will be highly appriated ^_^ (plus it's not really important whom recieves the donation but I suppose you could send them to me?)


CRISPS = 30k
Enkzilla = 10.4k

Total = 40.4k xd

The Penalty:

If we cant complete our quest within the allocated time (unless we decided to extend it) would be to be known as King Hugey Lugey (CRISPS) and Buttface Malone P.I. (Enkzilla) for the month of February - we're not actually going to change our Gaia usernames but that will be what we will be known as for that month (trust us to pick a leap year lol).