Standard Posts taking place out of combat should look something like this:

"I know I heard something that time!" Listening carefully, Nadine rushed in the direction of the call, and sure enough, soon spotted Tracey on the ground below . . . as well as the pile of leaves that quite possibly saved the girl's life. Since she already knew Kael was not on the roof, the course of action she should take seemed obvious to the vampiress.

She nodded at her brief companion, and said, "Thank you, Thomas, but I am needed. Keep an eye out for Gwendoline and Kael; she hasn't been herself lately, and is probably confused and frightened." Cupping a hand to her mouth, she called out to the white mage, "Tracey! I am coming!"

Carefully judging the distance, Nadine leapt from the roof, aiming for the leaf pile some distance below. As a vampire, she was able to handle such jumps with much less risk than a mortal, but there was always the possibility of a poor landing. Even a vampire had trouble getting around with a broken ankle, after all.

The above does a good job of describing the action, dialogue, etc, of your character. One line posts are generally frowned upon.

This next Quote is a Combat Post.

While Marco and Priscilla tried to cover her, Vix set herself to taking in the situation and deciding on what to do next. These beings are more powerful than I expected . . . I must not make the mistake of underestimating them again. She was encouraged, however, by the stream of successful attacks that she witnessed, culminating in the destruction of the massive stone monolith.

The deafening bark of the cannon brought her out of her reverie. I am no observer - I am a dark knight! 'Tis time these creatures tasted the bite of my most recently acquired flames. But as she looked for her greatsword, she found it was not there. Not even its sheathe . . . nor her mythril blade. The best weapon she yet had was the Coral Greatsword, and she cursed darkly as she drew it.

And a paladin healing me . . . I wonder if I will ever manage to live this all down? Deciding for the moment it didn't matter, she cried out, "We are doing well! But we must take these things down quickly, lest the Champion return from wherever he's run to and catch us unprepared!" For I cannot believe that they have managed to defeat him, or that he has fled for the duration of the battle.

She spotted Mikhail's unconscious form, and fought mixed feelings. On one hand, he had served her and her ancestors well for the most part; on the other hand, he was not presently in Vix's good graces. "Do not worry about Mikhail; he will rise when the battle is finished. We cannot afford the time to bring him back yet - speed is of the essence!"

Concentrating on her odd blade, it soon grew a flaming extension of itself, until it was nearly twenty feet long. "Cover me, and we will triumph." She turned back to her opponents, and strode boldly towards them, shoulders back, chest out, and head high in defiance. "I know not why you attack, but your assault is folly - taste death!" With that, she swung her enchanted weapon in a great arc meant to engulf all their melee warriors in dark flames.

(melee, beast flare, enemy melee group)

Inner monologue and barking orders are key, you don't just read each other's minds, your characters need to communicate. A description of the action can win you bonus points with me, which WILL affect the outcome of the attack. The most important thing here is, YOU DO NOT TYPE THE OUTCOME OF YOUR OWN ATTACK, what do I mean here? You simply say what you are GOING to do, not what you want to happen, as it doesn't always happen. The most important thing here is the end piece...

(Melee, Beast Flare, Enemy Melee Group)
(Attack Type, Specific Attack, Target)

Don't worry about an order of attack, I have this determined, once everyone posts, I will put up a Combat Turn Resolution... Which will look like this.

Ill-advised as Priscilla's charge was, it was nonetheless effective. She darted into enemy lines, moving too rapidly to be stopped by her opponents. Her sabre found the edge of the mage's vulnerable belly, striking for 941 (critical), and her mage masher cut a bloody streak across his flank for 339 and silenced the mage!

In spite of the mistaurs' 50% resistance to Fire, Vix's 20-foot flaming . . . thing nonetheless tore through the enemy warriors like a hot knife through butter. The paradoxically shadow-covered flames did 946 to the entire melee row, killing Warrior B.

Fiona's cherry blossoms ripped into the ranged row, whirling and flitting about as they sought their targets. Though not as powerful as the dark knight's Beast Flare, the dragoon's blossoms were still quite potent. The hundreds of blossom-shaped blades did 659 to the scout, killed both mages outright, and chopped into the minion for 649.

Warrior A loosed a battlecry, and galloped right at the thief! His charge and spinning swallow finally managed what the mages' defensive weapons had not: it cut into Pris' side for 381.

The Scout wasted no time in stringing up a noncorporeal arrow and launching it at the paladin; the shaft grazed part of his exposed arm for 285.

Drake's rocket fired successfully . . . but didn't quite take the course intended. The rocket's fin caught on the lip of the barrel as it shot off, causing it to nose over and skip along the roof before striking the minion for 888! The sheer force of the detonation - and especially the impromptu fragmentation of the casing - tore the already-wounded creature apart. But the fragmented pieces of rocket casing also flew out with enough force to hit everyone nearby, friend and foe alike: an especially large piece found Marco still by the enemy melee row to cover Pris' retreat, and it cut a deep gash in his chest for 495; another piece ripped into the scout's hind leg for 452; a smaller piece flew far enough to cut Kael's shoulder for 223, and the remaining two warriors for 184 each. No others were hit because they were well back from the enemy lines.

Warrior C ignored Marco and charged after the thief instead . . . but still in shock from the sheer light and noise of the rocket surprise, his mighty axe-swing missed Priscilla completely.

Marco, in spite of his wounds, managed to toss his pepper bag on-target, blinding the scout and covering his own retreat back to Priscilla's side. The regen granted him by his girlfriend's aunt partially healed him for 110 hp before dissipating.

Kael's meteor strike was even more forceful than he'd intended, and the heavy warrior was thrown over backward. His helm shattered, and what might have been a body beneath melted away into the air as he died - not from having his helm smashed, but from the force of the fall breaking his neck, as it might any other normal mortal.

By the time Valedec's rays reached their intended targets, there was only one of them still remaining. They hit the scout for 255, eroding but not destroying the creature's spirit. The last bit of Fiona's regen gave him 140 HP as his vision finally cleared.

The paladin lunged at the scout with his notched and rusted longsword, only just barely managing to kill it by skewering its heart.

The thunder that ended the battle was Dan's cannon shot - though it missed Warrior A, it hit the ground behind the thing, and the resulting conflageration was sufficient to kill it anyway.

This may be gobbledygook to you now, but this is a great way of determining how your character is doing in battle. This post was done by a very epic DM friend of mine, I aspire to 1/100th of the skill he has DMing.

Now, you're asking, what happens after combat? Well, here is a Combat Resolution.

The party won! Though none of the mistaurs' armor could be removed, the party was able to take from them three hi-potions, one antidote, one potion, and two phoenix downs!

Vix gained 115 EXP and 345 gil; now at level 38 (383 cool .
Priscilla gained 116 EXP and 487 gil; now at level 25 (2544).
Dan gained 136 EXP and 544 gil; now at level 22 (2221). Learned Scavenge! (the usefulness of this has REALLY got to be worked on)
Mikhail gained 135 EXP and 459 gil; now at level 22 (2235). Learned Provoke!
Marco gained 139 EXP and 445 gil; now at level 21 (216 cool .
Drake gained 104 EXP and 416 gil; now at level 28 (280 cool .
Valedec gained 118 EXP and 448 gil; now at level 25 (251 cool .

EXP is handed out, Gil (The monetary unit) is given to each player, and level ups are administered. Normally a Combat Resolution will occur AFTER a Combat Turn post.