Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:38 pm
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:01 pm
I. Intro II. Table of Contents III. Soquili
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:23 pm
.:. Randee .:. Name: Randee Gender: Female Breed: Wildlife - Zebra Generation: 1st Generation Status: Mated to Unesdala ale Vsti Offspring: Kimi, Kainen & Sgina Siblings: Maverick (Half-Brother) Personality: Randee is a loving, sweet and caring mare whose primary values are qualities pertaining to family. A believer that there is good in everyone, there isn't a soul in the world that she wouldn't care for as one of her own children. RP Color: Black.:. Kimi .:. Name: Kimi Gender: Female Breed: Offspring (Randee x Unesdala ale Vsti) Generation: 3rd Generation Status: In a Relationship with Lucius Offspring: Jasmine & Roshan (Kimi x Lucius) Siblings: Kainen & Sgina Personality: Kimi is a mare who, if it were up to her, would never grow up. She's a young-hearted girl who knows how to have fun, but learns from the challenges of motherhood how to become a mature adult. RP Color: #003366.:. Jasmine .:. Name: Jasmine Gender: Female Breed: Offspring (Kimi x Lucius) Generation: 4th Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: Roshan Personality: Jasmine is a hyperactive and ultra talkative Soquili. There isn't a moment in any day of her life that she isn't speaking or thinking about speaking. She always has something else to say, no matter how relevant or random it is. RP Color: #0099CC.:. Maverick .:. Name: Maverick Gender: Male Breed: Wildlife - Zorse Generation: 1st Generation Status: Single Offspring: Mara & Sorcha (Maverick x Orah) Siblings: Randee (Half-Sister) Personality: Maverick is a relatively introverted stallion, he tends to keep to himself. However, since having children, he has become a bit more social, slightly forced by his very extroverted daughter, Mara. RP Color: #A37F59.:. Mara .:. Name: Mara Gender: Female Breed: Offspring (Maverick x Orah) Generation: 2nd Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: Sorcha Personality: Mara is a very loud and boisterous mare, she has an opinion about absolutely everything under the sun and has no reservations in sharing and debating her views. She's one tough cookie, so watch out world! RP Color: Saddle Brown.:. Awendeo .:. Name: Awendeo Gender: Male Breed: Offspring (Mara x Masichuvio) Generation: 3rd Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: Awinito Personality: Awendeo is a bit confused about his own gender role. Living with a hardcore feminist mother who taught him that all males were evil beings, Awendeo is a little confused about whether or not he too is evil and if he should punish himself for being a male. RP Color: #663300.:. Eydis .:. Name: Eydis Gender: Female Breed: Island Generation: 1st Generation Status: In a Relationship with Quetzal Offspring: Quixote & Dulcinea (Eydis x Quetzal) Siblings: None Personality: Eydis is a tropical princess and a constant damsel in distress. She's not the brightest crayon in the box, which leads her into some dangerous trouble at times, but also wild and wacky adventures due to her spontaneous personality. RP Color: Goldenrod.:. Quixote .:. Name: Quixote Gender: Male Breed: Offspring (Eydis x Quetzal) Generation: 2nd Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: Dulcinea Personality: Quixote takes on his personality as a mixture between both his mother and his father. He has his father's imagination and bravery and his mother's egotism. He wants to follow in both of their footsteps as a handsome royal knight. RP Color: #88CC22.:. Gwee .:. Name: Gwee Gender: Female Breed: Cosplay - Gwee the Dragon Generation: 1st Generation Status: Single Offspring: Lillu & Leraje (Gwee x Paroxysm) Siblings: None Personality: Gwee is a Kalona who believes she is of an even more superior race which she refers to as the draconic race. She is very attached to this idea in effort to make her stand out from the rest of the crowd of Kalonas, believing that she must be special in any way possible. She loves to feel superior, and finds it easy to make others consider her to be so by the means of torture. RP Color: #86D334.:. Lillu .:. Name: Lillu Gender: Female Breed: Offspring (Gwee x Paroxysm) Generation: 2nd Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: Leraje Personality: Lillu follows in her mother's footsteps of being a rotten, terrible, evil, torturous b***h. She hides the fact that she is a half-Kalona from others, keeping it a secret only within her family in order to prevent others from thinking that she inferior for her accidental bloodline mishap. RP Color: #660033.:. Midna .:. Name: Midna Gender: Female Breed: Cosplay - Midna Generation: 1st Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: None Personality: Midna is a childish and devilish mare, constantly causing issues for others. She finds pleasure in watching others as they are confused or petrified, so she does her best to make them in these states of mind. She's a very wise mare who should be avoided by anyone who doesn't want any extra burdens in their lives. RP Color: Seagreen.:. Sa'ida .:. Name: Sa'ida Gender: Female Breed: Tribal Generation: 1st Generation Status: Single Offspring: Omni, Fluorite & Blacklight (Sa'ida x Boo) Siblings: None Personality: Sa'ida is a wise mare who believes that she is a mystic. She believes that she has the ability to see the future, communicate with spirits and has the ability of clairvoyance. However, whether or not she actually possesses this ability is a mystery to everyone, but Sa'ida's confidence in her powers make others doubts fade away. RP Color: #9933CC.:. Omni .:. Name: Omni Gender: Male Breed: Offspring (Sa'ida x Boo) Generation: 2nd Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: Fluorite & Blacklight Personality: Omni takes after his mother, believing that he has the ability of clairvoyance. However, he isn't quite as wise as his mother nor is he as convincing about his possession of his ability. He has a lot of work to do before he can fully take after his mother. RP Color: Purple.:. Rock Candy .:. Name: Rock Candy Gender: Male Breed: Offspring (Glamrock x Star Candy) Generation: 2nd Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: Rock Star, Glitter Rock, Rockin' Beat; Half-Siblings: Mint Candy, Spearmint, Cotton Candy Personality: Rock Candy is one cocky, arrogant and totally narcissitic unicorn. He believes his the most beautiful Soquili in all of the world and that every mare will swoon at his mere presence. He also believes that without him, his charm and his looks, that there would be no happiness in anyone's life. RP Color: Dodger Blue.:. Sea Candy .:. Name: Sea Candy Gender: Male Breed: Offspring (Waiora x Rock Candy) Generation: 2nd Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: Saltwater Taffy & Reka Personality: Like his father, Wind Candy is an arrogant stallion with a feminine flare to him. Despite his apparent feminine traits in his personality, Wind Candy works hard to prove his masculinity and boost his ego. RP Color: Dark Violet.:. Wind Candy .:. Name: Wind Candy Gender: Male Breed: Offspring (Windwalker x Rock Candy) Generation: 3rd Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: Sweet Talk & Rock Walker Personality: Like his father, Wind Candy is an arrogant stallion with a feminine flare to him. Despite his apparent feminine traits in his personality, Wind Candy works hard to prove his masculinity and boost his ego. RP Color: Hot Pink.:. Omelette .:. Name: Omelette Gender: Female Breed: Offspring (Yolk x Wind Candy) Generation: 4th Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: ??? Personality: Like his father, Wind Candy is an arrogant stallion with a feminine flare to him. Despite his apparent feminine traits in his personality, Wind Candy works hard to prove his masculinity and boost his ego. RP Color: Dark Magenta.:. Whisper .:. Name: Whisper Gender: Male Breed: Spirited Generation: 1st Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: None Personality: Whisper is a kind and gentle stallion with an angelic sweetness about him. He is a true protector of all innocents, wishing to rid the world of all evil through diplomatic means. RP Color: #9999CC.:. Jaxon .:. Name: Jaxon Gender: Male Breed: Wildlife - Abyssinian Generation: 1st Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: None Personality: Jaxon is a heavy thinker, constantly trying to psychoanalyze others and develop his own philosophies about the world around him. He's a very calm Usdia, believing that any issue or stress that comes up can be easily solved with the right approach to it. RP Color: #8F4F36.:. Zeedonka .:. Name: Zeedonka Gender: Female Breed: Wildlife - Zedonk Generation: 1st Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: None Personality: Zeedonka. SHE'S ******** ZEDONKULICIOUS BITCHES. RP Color: Lime Green.:. Bob .:. Name: Bbo Gender: Male Breed: Offspring (Zeedonka x Jaxon) Generation: 2nd Generation Status: Single Offspring: None Siblings: None Personality: HI. RP Color: Sienna
Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:33 pm