Article here.

"VOGUE made the proposal, but was it indecent?

Last September, Kate and Laura Mulleavy, the sibling designers of Rodarte, received a phone call from a Vogue editor who suggested that they see a trainer and go on a diet. The sisters, who said they wanted to be healthier and balance their stress levels, agreed, accepted four months of personal training and a meal delivery service paid for by the magazine, lost a combined 50 pounds and kept a journal of their experiences, which appears in the April issue."

I think people are getting too personal about this sort of thing. Sure, the media is getting crazy about health... but so what? At least they´re straying away from the über skinny image, right? I mean, being perfect isn´t the top of everybody´s list, but I think it´s good that the media is focusing on it... because obviously people listen to the media... so if the media tells them that being in shape and eating healthy is good... maybe America wouldn´t be one of the fattest countries in the world, anymore.