username- Lumiere Meridienne
character name- Xephir
age- 18
gender- Male
description- Short and tanned, with tree-brown hair and steely grey eyes. Xephir has a crooked nose from an encounter with an over-eager green during a hatching, and a number of rake scars on his abdomen for the same reason. His left arm has a thread-score on it, but it was a minor injury gained from being irresponsible on the ground crew after a fall.
status- Candidate
Weyr- Ieirne
Pets -
personality - Xephir has always been a cheerful young man, but as he grew older, his sense of responsibility began to color that optimism into more of a bright realism. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst is a fine way to describe his outlook.
While he is good at cheering up his fellows and peers, the most promising factor of his personality was his innate ability to convince people to follow his instructions. He was often made to watch younger children and guide them in doing unpleasant chores, finding a way to make it both efficient and enjoyable.
bio/history - Born to the ancient High Reaches Weyr, Xephir was a fosterling and had grown used to the idea by age eight that while he loved to watch the dragons, he'd never ride them. The last rider in his family had been his great grandfather, and only of a green. He understood that dragons went to stronger, more capable hands than his own. Especially now, in these trying times, as the threat of thread grew more and more imminent.
So, he focused his skillful tricks of persuasion and command to get little ones to do their work, and become a type of teacher for them. Not like the harper, but more of an experienced guide. Perhaps, if he was lucky, he'd get to assist the weyrling master some day.
Years passed and finally the thread threat was too near. At fifteen turns, Xephir was invited to join the creation of the new Weyr Ieirne. The prospect was thrilling, and provided him a chance to assist in building something greater than himself. A tempting idea indeed. No one told him that he was going not only to build, but to stand as a candidate for the first clutch of the weyr.
He was completely unprepared for that bit of knowledge, and didn't know whether to be saddened or contented when he walked away still alone in his mind. Perhaps just glad that he was alive at all, after that green had trampled him.
origin- High Reaches Weyr