EDIT: my problem was solved

okay i made anote about this on the main site,

but now there's two girls i feel i have a shot at

it's just determinable by patience factor

you see:
with girl 1 - Monique - i'd ahve to be patient before even having any hope of being even closer than now due to the fact she's gonna be in the air-force academy for four year then the AF itself for at least four
---to answer questions: yes i'm willing to wait, and yes i'm willing to live a life of a veteran's loved one

with girl 2 - Jess - i'd ahve more spur-of-the-moment stuff, but would have to be patient on big-time tech but seeing as she's an artist, i simply would need to go through her and make all my anime conepts real through the company she works for
---to answer any questions: do i like her the same as monique - yes but this is due to her being that good a friend, i could easily accept her

now for "both" factor
both come with the fact they are both 'sisterly' to me in terms of how close i hold them - this means that iwill die to protect either one
they also are going into carreers that pay quite well, as am i, so money is no issue, it's only just how we'd spend it - Monique would be all for tech, Jess would be for artwork supplies
another "both" factor is this: they both know each other and me as 'close friends' so there in lies a benefit and a bad thing, seeing as i can only choose one

but baiscally altogether both ways are compatible ways:
Monique the over-stress-it tomboy type, very modest - she refuses to wear a dress, very wall-flowerish, but very open, and quite a good listener, she knows my mind inside and out already - but this is cause i always run my ideas by her,
((a note about monqiue - currently she has no desire to marry, but i'm sure i can convince her by showing her that i can do what she asks of me))

for Jess, she's the moderated girl whom will be caught in a dress on occassional basis, but mostly is jsut very Otaku-tomboyish, and doenst know my mind as well as mionique know it, but the oppisite is ture, i know jess that way and help her imrpove her concepts
((a note about jess - i havent started up anythign with her yet because, well, a load of crisicism, but we, as christian merely dont want people having 'the wrong idea' of us is the factor there))

either way is really good it's just:
should i :
be UBER-patient and win Monique over by shwoing ehr that ican be waht she'd like me to be?
take the "spur-of-moments" path and live mdoerately okay?

either way the pathways and otucomes are the same, just opposite directions, but i jsut wanna know what you guys think, cause either way you look at it - i'll have waited that same time to be with either girl ((i've known jess at least 8yrs))