Personality: Devoted, kind, and caring. Ayelen is quite affectionate and motherly, but not so much that her view of the world is twisted to happy-go-lucky rainbows and sunshine. She knows that there are things out there that go bump in the night; that being said, she does her best to prepare herself against it. She likes to explore new areas, but not to the extent that she might wander off and not return. Down to earth and generally soft-spoken, this mare is neither a pushover or a outspoken one.
Name: Pyrphora Species: Normal Type: 4th Gen. Temper: Passionate
Personality: Loving and caring with a dash of adventure and charm thrown in. Pyr has a strong love for her family above even herself, but every now and then she likes to take off and see things on her own. She has an energetic persona, and likes to run or walk as fast as she can whenever she goes. Others around her might become tired out from her upbeat demeanor, but Pyr is like the energizer bunny; she keeps going, and going and, well- you get the idea. Even though she is very attached to her family, she has a strong sense of independence and doesn't like being babied or treated like a child. Some people might say that she has a magnetic personality; her high-energy demeanor often attracts people that just need a little bit of cheering up. She is carefree and a lover of life itself, and tries her best to enjoy each day to its fullest.
Parents: ??? x ??? Siblings: None. Mate: -- Offspring: --
RP Logs:
Capricorn Sunchai
Aged Gaian
Capricorn Sunchai
Aged Gaian
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:51 pm
Name: Apollo Species: Regular Soquili Type: Black and White Cat Temper: Wanton
Parents: Siblings: Mate: Offspring:
RP Logs:
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:29 am
Name: War Species: Horsebreed Type: Cursed Wolfwalker Temper: Deranged
Personality: War doesn't remember much of his past life at all, but what little fragments are left he sees drives him absolutely mad. He has short moments of peace when he can take a breath and be cold and calculated, but minutes later he becomes a raving lunatic again. He no longer remembers how or why he was cursed, and is only driven by his desire for blood and the hunt. Children, adults, foals, and full grown soquili are all subject to his madness. War does not have a “switch” in his head that tells him a situation has gotten out of hand or that he is at a disadvantage. He fights like the animal he is and screams for the taste of blood on his tongue.
Parents: ??? x ??? Siblings: -- Mate: -- Offspring: --
RP Logs:
Capricorn Sunchai
Aged Gaian
Capricorn Sunchai
Aged Gaian
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:50 pm
Name: Omni Species: Wind Type: Conure Temper: Flighty
Parents: ??? x ??? Siblings: -- Mate: -- Offspring: --