My cat, Noodle, died on Saturday.

I've had her since I was ten and she was three. I'm nineteen now, so it's been almost ten years.

She suddenly out of nowhere began to lose weight last month - very drastically - and was having difficulty breathing. Than I noticed that last week she was having problems walking. She was also losing hair. Finally last Saturday she collapsed in the hallway, not able to walk anymore. My Mum and I made her comfortable on a sleeping bag in the living room that she loved to just lie on. She went to sleep and didn't wake up.

I'm just curious as to if this is just old age or maybe a disease she could have gotten. She was perfectly healthy up until last month.

On a side not, we got her from the SPCA near my house so we aren't completely sure if three was her actual age. She could've been older.

Thank you.