at the hospital i was born, and for days that is were i stayed.
My mother loved me, her first born child.
So when I got home, I was greeted by to cold noses of my new best friends. My dogs Jack and Fang.
Jack was almost yellow, with a black back and head. A shepard husky mix.
Then there was fang,that lovable mutt. my snowy white friend. a head like a wolf, but the heart of gold.
I loved to play with my dogs so dear. for years passed, and my thoughts never changed.

Nothing could replace my lovable brothers, not even my new little sister.
I was 3 when she was born, but those dogs wouldn't care if it was another puppy, they loved me best.

when I was about 7, my dad bought a medercycle.
It was made for two people, and I was the first to ride with him.
as we roard down our street, our onld jak followed
panting as we came back.

and even a few yeard after, a new face greeted me
only 2 years old, casey my new sister germen shepard.
She was so sweet, but know one could tell.
she listened, and nodded as i spoke to her
But she had to be put down, and my friend, my sister
the only one
who really did
who really cared
who I loved
and who loved me back.

now at age 12, I watched my brother,
my black backed brother Jack.
He had to die,
Canser was in his lungs.
I stroked him one last time, before his last breath was drawn
I left the room,
my eyes full of tears.
And when I turned to go back, I saw him
lying there,
his life was no more.

I still had one brother, and a new sister. 1 year old Jasmine
my black long furred sister.
gold on her eye brows,
her nose
covering her ears
and on the bottom of her tail.
She was to replace my family that had died.

A few months passed after Jack,
and a new face appeared. Luke, that fat little golden.
So small, yet so tough.
as red as our wooden floor.

Fang was sick only 2 weeks after Luke, and I was now 12.
Fang had the same as Jack,
the same death to my friend.
but I couldn't bear to go again.

Jasmine my sister, or neibors complained
no we couldn't kill her,
Not another dog!
I wept as she left, to go to that farm,
and now I still have my one last brother, Luke.
Yet he doesn't care for me,
only my little brother.
now I have no dog
I can call
my true friend,
I can no longer call any dog my brotther,
or sister.

Just a pet in my mind
but my family at hart.