The Rabbits:

~Sabriel was my big, 10lb, house cat size, white part New Zealand rabbit. She was about 5years old when she died at home a few weeks ago. She was a funny rabbit when it came to the broom and my feet, and while she didn't like any grooming or being picking up, she put up with it. I had already decided that she might have been put down because of a major medical issue with her, the vet said it was probably a tumor that caused it. In short, her right eye -the eye, tear duct & 3rd lid- was all swollen and she'd lost vision, and there was the possibility that she would have to have the eye removed. When the vet told me and my dad all this, I made up my mind to give her the weekend and see, but that Saturday evening, she ended up passing away.
I miss the big furball, but I'm glad she passed away at home, and even more so that she's with her lover, Izzy.

~Izzy was a little black and white Dutch that lived with my family for a short time. He was a sweet little bunny that would ask for nothing more that a loving lap to settle in and be petted, and a sweet treat would make him all the happier. He was a silly little thing and very confused, but he was Sabriel's one and only truly bonded partner. You could always tell when he was happy, he was the only bunny I heard purr. When we got him, he had been a class room pet and wasn't in the best of shape, but he lived longer with us than he would have if left with the teacher. He too died at home with his family.

~Snuggles was our third rabbit... She was a baby black and white English Spot rabbit who we brought home from the shelter. Sabriel scared the poor thing. Sadly, the little one only lived for 6days before we came home to find her already gone.

The Dogs:

~Nala was a yellow lab that we had to put down. She was about 12 or 13 when we had to put her down. I knew this dog for years and she was a really good dog, watching out for me and my sister. She also took to "mothering" Sabriel when we first got her, being sure the at one time small rabbit didn't get too close to edges. She didn't like water at all, a bit odd for a lab dog. Before we had to put her down, she could barely get up -we had to help her most of the time- and she wasn't really eating or anything. We were hoping she would pass away at home, but it didn't work out...

~Trixi was a 16year old Spits-mix dog that I never really knew to well. She was a rather old dog that died at home do to heart failure. She was about the size of a Pomerania dog, maybe a bit bigger, furry as all got out and black and white coloured.