smile A little bit about me.... smile
Heya! I love reading. I recommend many books to my friends who like reading, and those who don't.
whee Good Reads whee
Many of my favourite books are heart Harry Potter heart {that much is obvious} Stravaganza, books by Karen McCombie , and one called the Witch Child. That one's very good. Or as you say in German, serr gutt. Lol. We do german in school. I do my homework during it. I like loads more too. And when I say loads more, I mean LOADS MORE lol. I have two bookcases each with eight shelves, and I have books piled on the floor. I sound like a nerd, but really, I'm not.
scream Rules scream
1] Please don't swear in this topic, and I know you now will.....
2] Respect other peoples views and comments.
3] Do not talk about things inapropriate or irrelevant to this topic. scream
4] Only post comments in this forum if you have read at least one book you have enjoyed.
5] You can talk about other boooks here, but not- rude ones, ok??
Please leave comments and enjoy reading others. biggrin No-one will probably read this but anyway....
Heya! I love reading. I recommend many books to my friends who like reading, and those who don't.
whee Good Reads whee
Many of my favourite books are heart Harry Potter heart {that much is obvious} Stravaganza, books by Karen McCombie , and one called the Witch Child. That one's very good. Or as you say in German, serr gutt. Lol. We do german in school. I do my homework during it. I like loads more too. And when I say loads more, I mean LOADS MORE lol. I have two bookcases each with eight shelves, and I have books piled on the floor. I sound like a nerd, but really, I'm not.
scream Rules scream
1] Please don't swear in this topic, and I know you now will.....
2] Respect other peoples views and comments.
3] Do not talk about things inapropriate or irrelevant to this topic. scream
4] Only post comments in this forum if you have read at least one book you have enjoyed.
5] You can talk about other boooks here, but not- rude ones, ok??
Please leave comments and enjoy reading others. biggrin No-one will probably read this but anyway....
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart