Welcome to The Empire of Gaia! Where all have freedom! Make gold and win prizes! Make and play in Role Plays made by all sorts of people! Come and have story contests! Talk about your guild! Rate your avi or dream avi and more. All at The Empire of Gaia!

This guild is very new to Gaia with only 7 members so far. We need YOU to join! I need one key ingredient to make the guild complete. A banner maker! But with all of this stuff comes with a price. Which is... following the rules and guidelines of The Empire of Gaia!

1. No racist or sexist remarks

2. Follow the Gaia Online Terms of Service

3. Keep your discussions PG-13

4. Do not tell me to ban random people. Tell me or another crew member what happened and what topic it happened on.

5. Attention all spammers and bumpers. Do not spam or bump in the middle of an organized role play.

But most importantly... Have fun!

~5 reasons to join this guild~

1. You have some freedom
2. You have a variety
3. Man it's hard to convince you
4. I'll give you 1,000 gold on your birthday
5. Because I said so