Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:06 am
Welcome to the home of Lady Angel of Death and her soquili.
Thundara's Stats Strength: 89% Courage: 85% Speed: 91% Intelligence: 86% Luck: 86% Stamina: 87%
Armelle's stats Strength: 32% Courage: 26% Speed: 29% Intelligence: 25% Luck: 30% Stamina: 27%
Dalanis' stats Strength: 8% Courage: 5% Speed: 7% Intelligence: 11% Luck: 9% Stamina: 4%
The Teepee They all live in the forest
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:11 pm
o1. My Soquili o2. Navigation o3. Rules o4. Baskets o5. Photos o6. Roleplays o7. Roleplays continued o8. Single Mares o9. Single Stallions 10. Thundara 11. Armelle 12. Dalanis 13. Reserved
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:17 pm
[01]. No posting without permission [02]. Rp requests should be PM'ed or asked in the main thread, please DO Not post here! [03]. Do not steal art from here, in any way They are property of myself and the creator, not yours. [04]. Rules are subject to change any time, at the convince of the user.
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:22 pm
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:27 pm
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:37 pm
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:40 pm
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:03 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:59 pm
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:25 pm
Name: Thundara
Found: October 06, 2008 Temper: Stubborn
Mate: None
Type: Wind
Origin: Halloween Event o8
Color: #755F87
Likes: Dark places, Apples, and Clovers
Dislikes: Cute things, Happiness, Sweetness, and Love
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Offspring: None
Personality: She is a smart Soquili, but her twisted mind seems to hide that in what she has become, fear of all things good, kind, cute, and most of all love. She is free heated and suborn, and no one can change her mind once it is set on something. Danger calls her, though the fastest way to her heart is to make we fill weak, and share her love of the storms she rides.
History: It is said this mare fell from the skies during a storm, the young foal bringing with her a night to remember. No memories of her past, though the creates around her called her Thundara, Child of the storms, and it stuck with her. From a foal on she walked the earth, traveling with the storms, flying though the best breezes, dodging lightning, and living free. Not even an owner could hold her down, she dose as she wanted, moving from place to place.
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:16 pm
Name: Armelle
Found: 02/12/09
Temper: Noble
Mate: Plotting!
Type: Normal
Origin: Newbie Event
Color: #FF66CC
Likes: Roses, Long walks, waterfalls, Swimming, Pink, Her Friends and Tormenting Her Brother. Dislikes: Her brother being mean, Dark places, Cats, and Evil Soquili. Parents: Unknown Siblings: DominickOffspring: None
Personality: She is a noble mare, her heart in the right place, her family her life. Strong, loyal, and caring, that was her, and those she cared for held her life, and she would die to help them if it came to it. Through it all though she is still such a foal at heart, lost in the time of her parent's death.
History: With no memories of the past, all blocked from her mind, locked away to save herself from that night. She was raised with her brother, he was the only thing she had to lean on. She was raised to be loyal to those she cares for, though she is not as strong as her brother, and afraid to be clingy she has allowed her brother to become distant, leaving her alone, no one there to lean on, and all she can hope is that that few times she seems him is enough for her to carry on until they meet again.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:48 pm
Name: Dalanis
Born: 25/04/10
Temper: Hopeful
Mate: None
Type: Fluttercorn
Origin: Breeding
Color: #0080FF
Likes: Gems, his family, wings, apples, sugar cubes, and flying Dislikes: His clumsiness. Parents: Jeevita & LonatosSiblings: Hema, Ochoco, Tawa; Namhias, TalkisHalf Siblings:Shilah, KimamaOffspring: None
Personality: He is rather hopeful, always trying to remind others that no matter how much bad comes, there is always good around the corner. He was also caring, and humble, sweet, and charming. All that making up for the fact that he was clumsy, and always getting into trouble.
History: Even before coming from his basket he was clumsy, and accident prone. As a foal he was always in mischief, when not falling over something, tripping over his own hooves, or bumping into things. Only knowing a few besides his family. He was raised to be hopeful, knowing that even if he was slightly different, or clumsy, he was still loved for being who he was. He was proud to be more like his father then the others, those wings may not carry him well, but he loved them. (More to come)