
I know there are plenty of RP guilds hanging around, but I think I can offer something new with just a place to host your RP and/or OOCs. Whatever you want. Fantasy, Sci Fi, modern day, historical, even erotic if you want it (But we have to stick to the PG-13 rule). Just a place to keep everything together without the constant rush and movement of the public forums.

It is a public guild, so you can post whenever you want, but I would encourage you to please register, the more members the better, and it's free.

But being a guild it allows us to keep the riff raff to a minimum. The crew are all fair and mature people (All at least 20 years old) and won't be unjust with anything or anyone. They're also all long-term personal friends of mine, so there won't be any arguments between us.

I also offer you the chance to have your own Subforum so long as you donate the money needed to build it. Or prove to the crew and myself that it would bring enough attention to warrant me paying for it. And if you use it regularly, I'll even give you your money back after a suitable time period.

Just follow the rules of Gaia, and the social rules of RPing - i.e don't post in an RP you're not involved in and don't post in any other OOC you're not involved in (unless it's relevant, of course, like wanting to join up. : D )

So, here you are: McFlufferson's RP Box

Feel free to advertise any RPs you host on there over this thread. : D