I need a good role playing partner, so send me your starters people, or reply to mine
My conditions:
* Literate
* NO one liners
* Keep the role play interesting
* You must have a picture of your role play character with the pm
* Romance, violence and cussing is allowed but don't cuss too much it pisses me off
* Boys and girls are welcomed
* Reply at least once a day
* If I'm writing paragraphs so are you
* Do not just start writing paragraphs then go to 3-4 lines of bull
* I role play mostly anything just as long as it's not too boring, or masterxslave

((for the second picture just imagine the girl with blue eyes and black hair))

It's too easy to fool people with my disguise! Who knew all I had to do was cute my hair short, dye it black, not wear any makeup and wear boy clothes! Well I also had to tape down my chest but I think the jacket would have covered them. Ah well, I made it here without being noticed, and if anybody makes a remark saying that I look like Poi Poi I'll just look angry and sigh saying "I get that a lot" The young pop star thought happily about sneaky plan to live peacefully. Ever since she was about six the gift of her voice was known in her entire town, she would win small things like talent shows and beauty contest from them but when she was eleven she was known world wide. One would expect now that she's fourteen she would love this kind of life but no she despises it. Barely seeing family, any new friends she makes are either using her for fame or are fake celebrities, she must also be fake and perfect so she does not embarrass her family, dealing with people much older than her that won't listen to a word she says. The only way she could escape was to disguise herself as a boy, thankfully her manager just told the press she would be on a long vacation, he knew if word got out that the famous singer ran away bad commotion would start. The pop star stopped walking to star of a picture of the pop star version of her. She sighed a bit, and looked in the mirror to see how she looked now. I guess people really won't know the difference... She looked back up at the picture and made a barfing face. She hated the girly name and look they gave her now, when she turned thirteen she started hating the skirts, the flowers, the pink, everything girly, but for image sake she still followed orders and wore the frilly outfits. They even made my name all fufu, God I wonder what people would think if they found out my really name was Kiata...

Kiata sighed once more before walking up to a large school building. She smirked as she took in a large breath, some people would call this prison but to her this would be her freedom. She ran up to the building to examine it more closely, as she did so some students starred at her in confusion. She looked at them for a moment and laughed nervously, then coughed a bit as she walked into the school casually. The last thing she wanted was to draw attention to herself. Soon enough she reached her destination, the principles office where she would receive her room number and her uniform. When she entered the secretary did a double take on her as if examining her. Kiata flinched a bit at the stare, and then stared back at the secretary, giving her a small solute. The secretary blushed a bit and looked away, then a voice from the chair boomed. "Mister Kiata is it?" She nodded and smiled up at the principle. "Well young man welcome to Tarika academy, I hope you'll enjoy your high school life here and make wonderful memories, here's your room key and your uniform, it was extra small right?" She nodded and took the key and the uniform but when she felt the principle's stare she froze for a moment. "Small stomachs run in our family." She said simply then left to go to her room. When she entered she smiled a bit seeing the room was empty but it contained two beds. Kiata let out a small sigh, knowing that she would have to share a room, she didn't mind the space since the room was large enough but her secret would be much harder to keep then.