Super Junior's 'Kangin' whose head is as big as they come, revealed a humiliating, yet hilarious story on a KBS 2TV show 'Star Golden Bell'.

On the show, Kangin stated that after performing on a live music show with the other members, he had to attend another program to record by himself. He was worried that there would be too many fans waiting outside while he exited the building, therefore he asked 5 managers to help him out and escort him to the car. Kangin proceeded to exit the building when he was met by 2 measly fans, to make matters worse, they approached him and asked "where's Han Kyung and Lee Teuk?" then left shortly after.

Kangin who believes he's the most popular member in Super Junior was cut down by two fans, who apparently weren't even fans. Maybe this incident will shrink his ego a little bit, but I doubt it.

Credit: allkpop.com

Note: Another really old article, but I thought this was sooooo Kangin. lol