The Wings
(the unwanted trade)

OC's P.O.V

I guess I should've figured out what was going to happen later that day...but the new guy seemed nice enough.

As usual, I was minding my own business sitting at one of the outside tables at lunch...and again staring distastefully at our prep-school uniforms. Feh, I could barely afford mine. Then, out of nowhere, this black haired guy with really pale skin and the boys uniform sits down oppisite my side of the table. "Hello there," he says. I notice him staring at my apple, so I toss it to him. "The name's Charlie." I tell him. "Ryuk," he says after taking a humongous bite of the apple. "How'd you do that?" I ask. "Well, I start with an 'R' sound and then continue from there."
"No, not that! How'd you swallow half an apple in one bite?!" I asked.

The Ryuk guy smiles, and his golden..almost fish-like eyes gleam with some kind of inside joke that I'm not supposed to figure out. "Wouldn't you like to know." He says before tossing me what's left of the apple.

Ryuk's P.O.V

I knew that going to a prep school would be interesting. I'd had nothing better to do once Light died. So, I took on a more visible form and registered in the school nearest by. You'd probably wonder why someone...or me would want to go to school. Well, you sit around for days on end and not know a freaking thing about the world around you and see if you don't want to register for at least one class!

I ended up taking Mythology.

Hmm...that's how I found myself walking away from that girl's table. I had lunch right after class and she had the closest apple. She did put up a somewhat interesting conversation. I should sit with her could be fun.