-Follow the ToS
-Follow LSG rules
-Don't post threads here that don't belong here.
-Don't complain without suggestion for alternative
-No, just don't complain
What Goes Here?
*Any forum games, no matter how long.
--Canni/Mafia/Werewolves etc.
--Make a wish, corrupt a wish
--This or that's
--Word games
*Any "single post" threads
--LSG Member FanFic/Shipping threads
--What are you ________ right now?
--Questionaires/Quizes/Various Memes
What Doesn't Go Here?
*Everything else, you fool
--Discussion threads
--Camwhore, entertainment, political/debate (etc) threads
WTF! You nazimods moved my thread!
Post it where it belongs in the first place! Promote subforum activity!
I want to be exempt from the rules, how do I do that?
*Become a mod
--Mods are above all rules, and will do what they want. Don't bother arguing with them. It's like arguing with a wall, or O'Reilly
Topics of Interest
Animals Doing It Wrong