(beeteedubs.......HOORAY 28 MEMBERS)

okay if you haven't heard of it, you need to visit it.
Its basically a site full of people's real life stories about how their life sucks
some people i know are like "HALF THAT MOTHER EFFING s**t IS FAKE."
i don't know how much of it is true, but who cares, it can be HIGH-LAR-IOUS. (then again some of it is just plain sad.)
but and at the end of the day, we all feel better about our lives compared to theirs : )
(lah, is that mean to say?)

here is a real funny one i found today
(though i wouldn't say that its a "******** my life" situation):
"Today, I was with my grandma waiting in a line. She only speaks Chinese and there was a black man in front of us talking his phone. My grandma tells me that the black man's really loud and annoying. The man finishes and turns and said fluently in Chinese, 'What's wrong with loud black men?' FML"

ah hahahah....