.:ll No, I don't know what that means ll:.
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>> Well, well! Oh my, isn't this a surprise? What is? Well, yours truly is actually being rather active in a guild! Now, we better make the best out of it, yes? Yeah... let's try that m'dears. Since I am ever so wonderful and totally rainbow-like, I shall teach you the wonders of how to fail at coloring. Don't we all just want that? Yes. Awww. Okay, let's get to the point! *heroic stance*

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Good Lord? Just what was that? That my lovely minions was just a tutorial or how-to-do in Cg coloring! Well, how I color anyway. Jesus Christ? Do you need more explanation? Slow? No, you aren't, hun. I just naturally suck at explaining. Oh. Right. Your question? Feel free to ask.

... But before you do! A form is needed:

[align=left][size=18][b].:ll[/b] [color= darkred]F.orme A`.la G.râce[/color] [b] ll:.[/b][/size]

[size=18][b]>>[/b][/size][color=darkred]I go by:[/color]{ [u]*insertnamehere*[/u] } [/color][/align]

[align=center][b]•[/b] [color=darkred][i]Oh Dear, Oh My :[/i] [/color]

[color=brown]" *insert question here* " [/color][/align]

.:ll questions; réponses ll:.

+signing out: L-tan_.