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Changmin's Love (PG- PG-13)

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:11 pm
This is the first one I have written about DBSK but I have written about a hundred or so not about DBSK. But this is the first I have written in about two years. So I'm a little rough. But I hope you all like it and let me know how I did please. All comments welcome, I can take criticism!^^ Oh and The chapter might me short, I'm not used to writing Chapters!

Now Please Enjoy!^^
Warning: There is cursing!!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:17 pm
Chapter 1- First Meeting

He sat at the bus twitching with excitement, he just got accepted into a sing group called "Dong Bang Shin Ki", he was in a daze of just pure happiness. Not giving a care in the world, nothing could break his happiness bubble. Then a piercing scream, broke the bubble and went straight to his spine! He jerked his head toward the scream, and took off in that general direction.
Reaching the park at the end of the street; and hearing the scream again. He picked up his pace and through the park, following the repeated screams. At last he found the place.

There stood a girl, with short black hair, holding on to her purse for dear life. All the while screaming her head off!
"Hey!" screamed Changmin screamed. " Let her go!'
"And who the hell are you?!"screamed back the ugly thug. "Hmmmmm"

"You're worst nightmare!" with that said he took off, charging straight toward him. Changmin right hooked the guy, and he spat blood. "You little p***k!" growled the thug. He ran up to Changmin and swung. Missed. Changmin kneed him in the gut and ran his elbow into his back. The thug hit the ground unconscious.

"Jerk!" yelled Changmin. He whipped around to face the frightened young girl. "Are you OK?" he asked politely trying not to scare her more.
"I.....I'm f-fine" she replied shakily.
" You don't seem fine?" he chuckled a little. She sure was cute.
"Thank you!" she snapped out of her frightened trance. And she ran up to hug him. He embraced her and felt her warmth and love. Crap! he thought himself. This is all I need right now! And at that moment Shim Changmin fell in love, But he didn't know it yet............
TO BE CONTINUED............  



PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:29 pm
Chapter 2- Conversation

“Thank you for saving me again.” The young girl blurted out. They were walking away from the park, leaving the unconscious thug on the ground. Changmin thought he had killed the guy. But thankfully he hadn’t.
“Not a problem…..um……what’s your name?” he asked.

“Oh! I’m sorry…..I’m Mei!” Mei replied.

“Mei, but isn’t that a Chinese name? Changmin confusedly asked. I thought she was Korean…

“I’m Korean, but I was born in China. So my mom gave me a Chinese name. Silly huh?” She smiled, and Changmin’s heart sank.
“O-Oh no! I think it’s a cute name!” He didn’t think. Crap! I just said that out loud! Please say she did not here it! Please!
“You think it’s cute?”
She heard me! “Um….yes I do find it cute” he swallowed hard.
“Yay! So what’s your name?” She smiled again. And his heart burst into pieces. Crap!
“It’s….um….Shim Changmin”
“WOW! What a boring name” She giggled. Cute! So very cute! No Changmin stop that!! “So can I call you……..Minnie?! Pretty Please!?” She gave him her puppy dog eyes. And he gave in. He wasn't the type to have nicknames, he found them too much your girls. But he made an exception for her, and did not know why. I am so confused right now.
“Yes you can."
“YAY!!!” she squeaked.
God, why is she so cute! AHHHHHH!" Stop that! Bad, Changmin bad!
Back to reality.

“So Minnie, how did you get to the park so fast? Where you close?” she did this zoom zoom thing with her hand, meaning fast.
So cute! “ I was at the bus stop. I was on my way to…….Crap!” then it hit him a like a ton of bricks. “The meeting!’
“Yeah, I got accepted into a band called Dong Bang Shin Ki!” He practically was screaming at her. “I’m so sorry I got to go!’ He gave her his cell number and took off yelling: “Call me!” Then he was gone, leaving her behind dazed and confused.

Wow! What a guy! Cute, strong and funny! I hope he makes it in time. Good luck Shim Changmin, I really hope to see you again! And she walked off.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:45 pm
Chapter 3- New Hyungs!

Good thing the SM building was only a 20 minute walk. He was just lazy today and did not want to walk. He entered the building out of breathe and sweating like crazy. Changmin approached the young lady behind the desk and asked which room. She smiled and pointed to the large doors to the left. He gave a bow of thanks and walked towards the doors.
He took a deep breathe and slowly opened the door. He looked in and suddenly felt so small. Four well-dressed guys sat a huge, white marble table, while three more stood by the flat screen T.V conversing.

"Um..I'm Shim Changmin" he attempted to hide the shakiness in his voice.
"Well, hello Changmin, I'm park. I will be your manager. It's good to see you made it in time, we were all worried that you wouldn't make it" Park smiled widely.

"Who was worried?" A small boy with dark black hair snorted.
"Can it!" yelled Park, then he turned his attention back to Changmin. "Now let's have a seat and I'll introduce everyone. Ok? First we have our leader Yunho!"

"Next we have Jaejoong"
"Hey" Well isn't he a happy camper! Note to self: Changmin don't piss off this one!

"After that we have Yoochun"

" And lastly we have have Junsu"
"Hihi!" Junsu eyed at the tall man. He's cute!
"Guys this is Changmin!"

"We heard him when he walked in the door!" snapped Jaejoong with a sour expression on his face.
"Don't mind him, he's having a bad morning!" Park shot Jaejoong a glare. "Now" he went on. "Since you are all here and know each other, time for you stage names!" Five gasps filled the room, simultaneously.

"What why!? Are you mental!" Screamed Jaejoong.
"Because I thought it would be fun, now shut up and listen, go it!" Five heads gave an identical nods.
"Jaejoong, you'll be called Hero."
"What the hell kind of name is that!?"
"Can it, pretty boy!" Yoochun snapped. Park rolled his eyes.
"Yunho, you'll be U-know"
"Cool, I can dig it"

"Yoochun, you'll be Micky"
"Great, I'm named after a stupid mouse!"
"Can it, Smart a**!" Jaejoong smirking at Yoochun.
Yoochun glared right back and flipped him off.

"Boys! Anyways, Junsu you'll be Xiah"
"Sweet, it's cute!" just like that hunk of hotness! A devilish smile broke across Junsu's face.
OK, this guy smiling is starting to creep me out. What did you get yourself into Changmin!

"And Changmin, you'll be Max"
"Alright" Why Max it's too simple, I wanted something like 'Soulfighter'. Now that would have been a perfect name! His lips pulled into a smile as he thought about it. Junsu noticed and he felt his heart skipped a beat.
As Changmin came back to reality, the muffled sounds turn into screams and hollers, mostly from Jaejoong: "Park! Why in hell's name does he get a simple name, like Max! Unfair!
"Quit your bitching and sit you punk a** down!" Demanded Yoochun. "Arrogant punk!"

"Bite me! Jackass!"Screamed Jaejoong.
"Hell no! Are you mental or something!" Screamed Yoochun even louder than Jaejoong's
"You'll get used to it, I already have" Junsu said, a smile still plastered on his face.

Why does he simle so much!? He's so freaking happy, it's scary!
"O-Ok that's good I guess"
Changmin looked at Jaejoong almost strangling Yoochun, while poor Yunho was trying to hold back Jaejoong. Then Changmin looked down at the smiling little boy. Wow! These guys are all a bunch of crazies! Great!! I'm in for an adventure!  



PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:48 pm
Chapter 4A- Her again

After his meeting with hi new band mates, Changmin decided to walk home. He definitely needed some fresh air after that hectic mess. He walked along the shop lines, admiring the little shops, with their cute signs.

“Minnie!” a little high-pitched voice called out.

He turned to face a little girl with short black hair, staring up at him with a huge smile. Mei! “Hello…..Mei….what are you doing here?”

“I was just walking around doing some shopping. I can’t believe I got to see you again. How was your meeting?” She smiled brightly.

“Oh that…..” Changmin started then stopped when he thought back, on how they were acting then changed his mind.” They’re all a bunch of crazies!!” And that little one, not to mention, scared the hell out of me with his smiling non-stop!! AHHHHH!

“Oh, I’m very sorry to hear that” She wanted to comfort him, but she didn’t know how. “Are you going to be OK with all this?”

“I don’t know yet, I just have to see what happens tomorrow” Changmin sighed. Mei sighed too, and then it hit her. She thought of something, but she didn’t know if it would work.

Courage Mei, courage all you have to do is ask him! “So, Minnie would you like to have tea with me. I heard some where that tea makes you feel better. You don’t have to go with me if you don’t want to. I can totally understand if you don’t. But I’m rambling. Forget I said anything! Hehe!”

She’s cute when she’s nervous! Changmin laughed. “Would love to have tea with you, where would you like to go?” He smiled at her and his eyes mismatched.

Damn him and his cuteness! “Well Minnie I think you should pick!” She was to lost in his eyes to think straight.

“Well, I’m afraid I don’t know any good tea houses” he laughed again.

“OK then, let me think” She had this cute thinking expression on her face, Changmin wanted to just kiss her. Bad Changmin bad!!
“Oh! Mama’s Tea House! They have the best tea ever, if you how to get it!” She winked and started to walk towards the tea house.

Why do I have a strange feeling about this? I think its going to be bad, but yet my heart tells me that it might be fun. He let out a big sigh of frustration and started to walk after her.  
PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:55 pm
I will not put up chapter 4B until I finish chapter 6 biggrin biggrin

And if you wouldn't mind please comment on how I do....just send me pm or comment my profile!! Please and Thank you!! heart heart  



PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:37 pm
Chapter- 4B- The Tea House “Date”

Changmin and Mei walked into this little, hole in the wall, tea house. Changmin thought back to when his grandmother brought him to a tea house similar to this one. He broke away from his childhood memory, to greet a smiling hostess, asking: “How many in your party, sir?”
“Oh um just the two of us” he smile that infamous mismatched eye smile!! And both girls just about fainted at the utter cuteness from this simple man. Man is he cute! His eyes! No! He’s a customer I got to take him to his table…it wouldn’t hurt to ask!!
“Oh! On a date I see, would you care for a table on the patio?” She smiled at the tall handsome man.

“Oh no...wer…” Mei cut him off.
“Yes we would love a patio seat!” her eyes were sparkling with cheesiness. ‘See I told you!” she whispered and gave a quick wink to a dumbfounded Changmin.
Oh well guess he is on a date.... The hostess sighed.
She’s cute and conniving. But is this a date?? I am I on a date!!!

The hostess led them to a table on the patio next to a small garden. CRAP!!! Changmin started to get nervous. As soon as they sat a waiter came, took they’re order, and left before Changmin could say please stay. Now poor Changmin and the beautiful Mei were left alone in a romantic setting……

“Minnie! Gosh you’re sweating! Are you nervous about something? Wait…..do you think this is a real date? She giggled.
“No! Aish! Why you say something like that! Of course I know this is not a date! He...he…he. He started sweating more.
“Hehe! You think we’re on a date! That is too sweet!” she leaned over the small table and a quick peck on the cheek and he turned every shade of red. “Aw! You are so cute when you blush!” The heat in his face increased.

He cleared his throat.

“Um…so how was your day?”
The waiter brought their tea and left them alone again.
“Well, besides being rescued by a handsome young stranger…the rest of the day was boring! She sighed deeply, “How about you Minnie? Except your new crazy hyungs, how was the rest of the meeting?
“It was interesting” He thought back about the little boy…Junsu and easily pissed- off Jaejoong. He laughed a little. “We got stage names. Mine was…oh…Max” he laughed again.
“Max huh? I like it” She laughed with him. “It suit you”
“Really? I wanted something like ‘Soulfighter’ now that would have been and awesome stage name!”
Mei pressed her lips together in order to restrain herself from laughing, but it failed. He laughed so hard that her sides started to burn.
“I didn’t think it was that funny” Changmin started to feel insecure.

She stopped. “It’s not that, it because you’re so cute” She took in a deep breath in. “Changmin, I like you. I know we just met but I thought you were very brave. And sitting here, talking with you, I realized that you are so much more. You’re smart, funny and ever so brave. And not to mention very….attractive.” She blushed and waited to hear what he had to say. Changmin sighed “Well at least this isn’t one sided. I like you to Mei. You are so outgoing and I love that in a girl!” He looked up from his tea and smiled his mismatched smile.
She grinned widely and jumped out of her chair going in for a hug. This was the beginning of the end….just know one knew it yet……  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:00 pm
Luv the fanfic!  



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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:40 am
the plot of the fanfic is really good. there are some grammar and spelling problems and sometimes the thoughts were kind of confusing. try making a new paragraph when a person speaks and using (') when someone is thinking something. if you make these small changes, the story will be easier to read. overall, the story is really good. biggrin  
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