Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 4:07 am
So perhaps I'm missing some deeper meaning to it all. Could anyone please explain to me what is so artistic about a couple dozen close up shots of vagoo and flaccid cawk? Don't get me wrong. Artistic n***s can be very beautiful. However on DA(was linked to some peoples work) it seems most anything can pass for art. I swear to god. If it were not for some dudes being circumcised and most penises looking different I would think most of these photos were taken by the same "photographer". I use that term loosely. There is only so much you can do with zoom and your genitals. All that being done to death about 250 billion snapshots ago.
Alright. So right now I'm sitting in my chair. Tell me were I to take off my pants and just snap a few shots downward. How many pageviews would my DA get? (I only have it because people always link me things that you need to be logged in to view) I mean from what I have seen. I may just be an artist after all.
Don't be a ******** douche about that last bit. I would never do that and it was not me offering pictures. I was being sarcastic because pretty much 95% of the "artists" in any medium on DA suck.
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 4:34 am
I'll buy that for a dollar.
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 4:39 am
u cud hab m3 4 fre bby. redface heart
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:02 am
It's pretty ******** ridiculous that people in this guild are so willing to attack you for things that you have to add a disclaimer to your posts. :\
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:06 am
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:26 am
How can you define art?
Art is such a broad concept that it basically encompasses pretty much anything you care to label as art. Whole philosophies arise out of arguing over the definition of 'art'.
Therefore, you're right, most anything can pass for art. So yes, if you did do the same thing, it would be art.
Maybe it doesn't appeal to everyone, maybe it's considered bad art or whatever. But it's still art.
Just because you think they suck, that doesn't make them not artists. It just makes them bad artists, relative to your opinion.
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:29 am
Score I'm an artist! 4laugh
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:17 am
<******** YEAH I MADE ART.
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:18 am
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:25 am
Xippy: Now that is some art I could learn to appreciate! surprised I really love the way the colour of your monitor is mirrored on the Deer Park label. It makes me think "Do you feel blame? Are you mad?" Deep man.
Sannie: Yeah. D:
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:19 pm
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:35 pm