Well yo to everyone. I'm new to guild and it seems kind of...dead. No one's posting based on what've I've seen...well. I'm PAYNE! Yes, it's my real name and I <333 it. Of COURSE I'm emo. Cept kids at school think its a bad thing so I get pushed around and beat up and such xP I have three real friends, adn I don't even like 2 of them xP They're annoying and crazy and ALWAYS cracking rude emo, bi/gay/lez and athiest/Satanist jokes/insults. Speaking of which, I'm Satanist and I'm bisexual...and kids at school know neither and yet half of the ******** think I'm the devil. Well, they can go cry to thier fat-a** moms about it...is it okay to cuss here? o.o

Elloz to everyone.