-<world at ruins>-
-<W.A.R. rules/instructions>-


-<the profile>-
--this is the base of your WAR profile:

-<(gaia username)>-
-<(class, peace keeper etc.)>-
-<(clan, if any joined)>-

--alliances are used to show friendship in W.A.R., you will not fight each other in battle, you will fight to save your allies
--to make alliances is pretty simple
--if you have a friend or good combatant that is in the same org. you may PM them to be allies, you must both agree to be allies
--both of you must post you have allied on the player list thread, if you both do, you are now allies
--if you want to remove an ally you alone only have to post the denying of an alliance and the alliance will be removed

-<clans system>-
--clans are used to give a more well known group, a bigger fighting force, a more organized alliance
--to form a clan you must be atleast a level 10
--forming one costs nothing
--you may join a clan at level 4
--clan leaders, lieutenants, and captains can remove soldiers at there own will, WAR admins are not responsible for clan banning
--only leaders and lieutenants may ban captains, and only leaders may ban lieutenants
--your clan profile will be a seperate thread looking like this:

-<(clan name)>-
-<lead by: (leader username)>-
(clan logo posted here)
-<(description of clan)>-
-<** members>-
-<lieutenant: (lieutenant username)>-
-<captains: (captains' usernames)>-
-<soldiers: (list of soldiers' usernames)>-

--the lieutenant may recruit soldiers and captains too and order captains and soldiers
--captains may recruit and order soldiers
--the leader may do whatever they want, everyone listens him/her
--soldiers fight for the clan, forming the larger portion of it

-<orginization bonuses>-
--for the orginization you join there is one helping bonus!
-+peace keepers: gain 1 1/2 times as much exp
-+survivalists: +10 times your level extra health
-+blood lovers: roll 8 sided dice for attacks

--step 1: find someone to battle or join a battle
--step 2: if challenging someone pm them to fight you (you may challenge multiple people for one battle)
--step 3: create a thread to battle in or join a pre-made WAR battle thread
--step 4: all battlers will select random number and do 1-100, battler with highest number goes first
--step 5: when it is your turn to attack you will roll your level number of dice with an 8 sided dice for blood lovers and 6 sided dice for other battlers, you should also state something about attacking
--step 6: if you kill someone you gain exp judging by their level
if their level is less than yours: gain 100 exp divided by the difference in levels plus 1
if their level is equal to yours: gain 100 exp
if their level is greater than yours: gain 100 exp times the difference in levels plus 1
--step 7: to end a battle all battlers must die except for the last one standing or a cease fire treaty may be put into play if all battlers agree to it if they are still alive
--step 8: go to the players list and post your exp gain, you will be notified via PM if you hav increased in your level

-<the cease fire treaty>-
--this is a message that says you want to end the battle
--all battlers must agree to end it if it is to end
--all battlers whom have made kills keep their gained exp
--all people whom are dead stay dead until they are regenerated

-<dying and regenerating>-
--when you die you must regenerate to be allowed to fight again and a tag saying "dead" will be put on your WAR profile
--if you died in battle and made a kill before dying you still gain that exp after the battle
--to regenerate you must wait 720 minutes (12 hours) divided by your level minutes then you may regenerate
--once capable of regenerating you MUST post a reply on the players list that you have regenerated, otherwise the death tag next to your WAR profile will remain and other players cannot be attacked by you
--once regenerated you may go about as you normally will on W.A.R.
--regenerating also means regenerating to full health, so if you are only injured you may regenerate, after that regeneration you must wait the set time by your level to regenerate again, so regenerate wisely!

-<reporting players>-
--contact any of the WAR admins via PM or post on the player list thread about the situation (PMing is safer, we won't tell anything to the other person if you don't want it told)
--if the reasons are good enough we will make necessary punishments to that player
--adding a link to the situation is especially helpful and will provide us with very logical proof
--continuously reporting users will lead to a permanent ban!! that is if their case is chosen to be unworthy of punishment

-Written originally by ---DJacobson---