It was a boring, ever so normal summer night. There is a flash of lightning and a pound of thunder. It pierces my ears and a gasp is released. I close the curtains on my bedroom doors which lead out to my porch and walk across the floorboards. They creak as I sit on my bed, opening up a book. The thunder cracks again, this time gently, and a few flashes of lightning were seen behind the curtains. I flinched and then put my book down. Power out. As I lay down in my bed, staring at the still, cold ceiling, there were murmurs just outside my room. I ignored it and shut my eyes tightly as everything began to fade away.

A sharp noise echoed throughout the room. I blinked my eyes open to an unfamiliar place. This wasn't my bedroom, I was sure, but where exactly was I? It was dark everywhere, and only a dim light shone in what seemed like a corner. I tried to speak out, but the words couldn't form on my lips, my throat felt as if I were being choked. A surge of pain shocked my head and went straight down through my body. I heard a voice. It was deep and unfamiliar, and still as foggy as it seemed it the room. Then there was a feminine voice, just as foggy and unfamiliar. Then, out of nowhere, claws grabbed onto my lower legs. Then there were more. The voices sounded alarmed and panicked. Everything was blurry and sharp pains started on my arms and torso. The voices were silent, but they were still there. I could feel it. Then all the pain went away as I was elevated, and apparently being carried by the man. My vision started coming back, bit by bit. The man who was holding me had a hood covering his face, but he had strands of hair falling out of his hood. It was a deep, silvery purple color, soaked from the rain. Trickles of blood ran down his face as he started to put me down safely. He lifted his arm upwards and then there was a warping noise. He started calling for the woman. She ran towards us and then walked towards a blackish hole. I was being elevated again and I was able to speak this time. "Who are you?" I asked, but then realized I wouldn't be able to hear much of a response. I saw him look down at me. His facial expression was unknown, but his hair was covered in blood and rain. I heard his voice this time, a little bit clearer. I couldn't hear his exact words, but was sure he was frustrated that I was conscious. He held his hand on my forehead. Everything became blurry again, and the rain became unheard. My eyes slowly shut and I soon lost myself.