I see these many faces, they all stare at me.
They know I'm different,
that I will never be the same.
My head is down, my hands are clenched.
As I hear the whispers,
coming from their dirty mouths.
They don't know what it's like, to be treated like an alien.
All because I made a mistake,
and spoke a tad to soon.
A remember that night clearly, not one blur...
everything is crystal clear,
as if I was right there.

I see him grab the gun, and face the barrel towards me,
but before he could shoot...
I heard a loud scream.
My friend jumped in front of me, just as his finger pulled the trigger.
Tears rolled down my face,
falling to the pavement.
She's telling me not to worry, she would do it over just for me.
A smile passed her lips,
as her last breath was took...
her grey eyes disappearing, beneath closing lids.

I wondered how she knew where I was,
her disability was against her.
Now the weight from her shoulders, transferring to me.
I keep my head down,
a tear rolling down my cheek.
I remember the pain she felt, when her blind eyes could not see.
She told me not to worry,
I wonder how she knew...

it's a question that won't be answered, til I reach her again someday.
How did you know where I was,
that's what I want to ask.
Taking a deep breath, I lifted my face.
and glanced at the future,
I was left to take.

It could be changed, but only if I had the will.
I see her blonde hair,
and knew what I needed to do.

The whispers soon stopped, after I gave that speech.
Of how I lost my best friend,
by a drunk that night.
Now they knew the story, I didn't do anything bad.
Just mourned the death of a friend,
was that so wrong?

Now I face the future, friends by my side.
But I will never forget her face,
smiling up at me.
My best friend...may you rest in peace.
Not true...just something that popped into my head...not long after (well about 3months) a girl at my school hung herself. RIP Emily Grace Robbins 10-23-08