The newest episode of Introducing Star's Friends featured performances from Super Junior, 2PM and some dude, as they duke it out to win over the hearts of college aged girls.

Here's Eunhyuk's dance performance. Powerful dance, great charisma, fluid movements, and.....he got last place. His last place is probably because he gave both his roses to only one girl. Not a very wise decision trying to be a gentlemen. Doesn't he know slutty is in these days?

Credits: BattleParty

Chansung's dance performance. Notice Leeteuk in the background dancing along in his Dooly suit.

Credits: yushin0ya

Jaebeom performed "Because of You" by Keith Martin and danced to Chaeyeon's "Shake" complete with wig.

Credits: Symbelmyns

Finally, the show's highlight, Leeteuk's hilarious Dooly dance. Dooly is a famous cartoon dinosaur in Korea.

Credits: HyukGem

So now that you girls (and boys?) are all happy and giddy, let me slap you across the face. Just for fun. I mean, I can't let you guys off that easily. So here's a little bonus.

Credits: HyukGem

Credits: Symbelmyns

Leeteuk is such a lucky sonnamabeech because that girl is damn cute.

Thanks keitorin for the tip

Cred: allkpop


Note: Usually I post all the video links, but there's a crap load, so just go the article to click play and scroll and blah blah etc. lol