Ok, this Sub-Forum is (obviously) for topics about other anime that isn't Bleach.

You can fill this forum with opinion forums and pictures. I honestly don't care what you put in here AS LONG AS you follow a few simple guidelines.

Please MARK YOUR SPOILERS, we don't need someone to learn about something big in an anime they're watching, ok?
Make sure any/all pictures are appropriate...come one people, don't get lame on me. :/
I don't mind civil debate, but please don't make a thread totally dissing some anime or character, or post "I hate this show it's so stupid." In a forum about liking a certain anime. I've said it before and I'll say it agian, don't be hate'n. D<

Other than that we should be good. I expect this forum to get some use, so post away my otaku brethren!
