Edit: It's on DA as of now.

Wisps of steam curled up from the bubbling surface of the rose-scented water. Blood red petals were strewn across the linoleum floor surrounding the clawed bathtub and alongside its edges. Dim light emanated from several candles nestled along the porcelain ridges. A nude, female form sat crying in the soapy waters. Amber locks framed the woman's plain face. Salted rivulets poured down her porcelain cheeks as she sobbed quietly. Across the room, perched on her vanity, a tiny radio crooned out Ave Maria.

A shy, quiet woman, Alicia Valleron had been surprised when Maxwell Cordova, a well respected partner in one of the most prestigious law-firms in the city, had shown an interest in her. Why wouldn't she be surprised? When they had met, she was working at a coffee house as a waitress scraping up just enough money to pay her bills. He had been working a highly publicized case when he had dipped into the restaurant for a moment's reprieve the day they met. Two people, from opposite ends of society's spectrum, had been drawn together by fate.

For the next four years he'd shower her with affection, bought her trinkets that were supposed to symbolize the "love" he felt for her, and take her with him on occasional business trips to places she'd thought she'd never see. When he had asked her to marry him, they were standing atop the Eiffel Tower, overlooking the hustle and bustle of Paris' nightlife. She couldn't have been happier.

Tonight, all that ended when Alicia had decided to surprise her fiancee by joining him at the hotel he was staying at. She had noted the nervous look on the concierge's face when he handed her the card to her fiancee's room. There was an incidence, a couple years before, when the same concierge had denied her access to Alec's room. When she told Alec of her difficulties, he had become enraged and had confronted the man, giving him explicit orders to never refuse her access to his room again. Ever since then, the poor concierge seemed to sweat profusely whenever Alicia decided to make an appearance. Perhaps that could explain the odd look he'd given her and the trembling of his hand as he gave her the room card.

Alicia's fingers flipped a thin strip of metal off the lip of the bath tub as her thoughts turned to the moment she had opened the door to her fiancee's room. Soft, heated breaths resonated within the room as she walked in. The sight of ebony flesh entwined with the tanned flesh of her fiancee, the carnal embrace of passionate lovers, greeted her. Seconds seemed like minutes as Alicia's world crumbled beneath her. She said nothing, simply retreated from the room and silently closed the door behind her.

Blinking away tears, Alicia pressed the cold metal against her wrist, drawing it towards her leaving behind a trail of bright red fluid before switching the razor to her other hand, a soft inhalation of air was held before she repeated the action. "How? How could he do this to me? I...I loved him." Her tongue slipped between her lips, licking away the tears pooling at the corners of her mouth as she choked on those words. She rested her arms beneath the warm water atop her thighs as her head fell gently back. Feathered strokes of crimson blended with the waters as she bled out, her life force quickly draining from her. Exhaling, she closed her eyes, her final thoughts resting on a single wish. Vengeance.

That was three weeks ago. Tonight, Alicia sat at a table in a club that she'd been frequenting alone. A long, red painted fingernail dipped into her glass, fishing out the olive to plop in her mouth. The corners of her lips curled into a smile as her eyes rested on the hand of a man who had just made a pass at her. "Are you married?" she asked him. The man would chuckle, "No, not me. Never been married." He was lying, he wasn't wearing his wedding ring. She could tell because his tan line showed. 'Typical,' she thought before turning her attention to the man's face.

"You want me," she told him as she stood up. Her gaze penetrated his eyes, hypnotizing him, drawing him into a trance. Moving around the edge of the table, her voice deep and sultry, "Don't you?" The man simply nodded. The look on his face reminded her of a child's face staring into the window of a candy shop. She crooked her finger at him, beckoning him to follow her as she made her way to the club's side exit. Her tongue, that slick pink muscle, slid across perfectly white teeth, a gesture made with the intention of lustful promises to be fulfilled as she slipped out the door.

She didn't need to look behind her to know that he had followed her. Alicia made her way further into the darker confines of the alley before turning around. He was a foot away from her, his eyes filled with excited lust, the front of his pants tenting up as his hands clenched against his thighs.

"You want to touch me. To kiss me. You need me," her hands cupped the gentle curves of her breasts before slipping down to her hips. "Come, lover, kiss me. Taste me," she cooed to him. He stepped closer to her, "Yes, that's it." His hands reached across her, pulling her heated body closer to him. A barbed tail snaked its way around his waist, pinning his body against hers. She tilted her head up to look at him, "You should have stayed home with your wife."

At that, great bat-like wings rose up from behind her to wrap around the couple. Her mouth opened wide, lips stretched taut as her gaping maw covered half his face, stifling the man's screams for help. Wretched fangs bit into bone, a horrid crunching sound tickled her ears as she latched onto him and drained the adulterer of his life-force.

With a resounding 'pop', she released the man, his body crumpling to a heap at her feet. Any physical traces of the succubus that had bonded to Alicia had retreated within her body. She would lick her fingers, a giggle dancing across her features before she stepped over the corpse and returned to the club.

As she entered, she saw a familiar face sitting at a table with a man. Fully satiated, she hadn't bothered to check the man's marital status as she approached the table. She smiled at the couple, her face shining with a certain indescribable afterglow as she greeted the woman, "Hello, Mother."