[beta testing] I'm pretty much gamer, techno artist, and computer person, so I figure people could play me at Fallen empire: Legions on instant action and if they beat they will win gold I think I'm a 1 1/2 year veteran on that game and if your a newb don't even try at this, you'll get your a** whooped, period

and if you don't think I'm skilled I quite commonly hit people in mid-air with my rocket launcher, try doing that!

how this works:
-for every kill ahead of my kills you get 100 gold
-if I have more kills than you, you do not have to pay me and you don't get any gold
-you may be whatever class, map, or mode that you want (note: CTF might be suicide on your part because I'm an outrider always)
-the game must be private

the bonus challenge:
-this mode allows me to earn money!
-you will be able to have a friend on your team against only me (you'll be ganging on me)
-though you will get 100 gold for every kill ahead and your friend too, however for every kill I'm ahead you pay me 100 gold! HA!
-and yes quite often I'm ganged 2 vs 1 or sometimes even 3 vs 1 and most of the time I'm victorious

[this is a beta though it is running, but testing, so changes may be made]