Kerian sat on her bed, the Digimon cards scattered randomly across the cover. She looked for her Tsukaimon card, her one prized possession, which was nowhere in site. She crawled off of her bed, and onto the floor. She swept the area under her bed with her arm for any foriegn object.

A plastic blue card skittered across the lamenent flooring, and bounced of the opposite baseboard. She skooched over to it, flipping it around between her fingers. 'This isn't mine... Where'd it come from?' She set it with the other cards and was about to sort them when her mother's voice rang up the stairs. "Kerian, supper's finished!" She looked at the cards and then at the door. She yelled in reply "COMING MOM!", swept the cards into their box, and ran down for supper. The blue card swiped through her Cardreader as they tumbled to the bottom of the box, and a blue light shone brightly from the box.


Kerian bolted up the stairs after supper, her hands still dripping with dish water. She hastily wiped them on her shirt, and walked into her room. She picked up Her Digimon box, and dumped the contents back out on her bed. She went to pick up her Cardreader, but instead of her Cardreader, a red and silver Digivice sat were it was.

'Weird...' She thought, inspecting it closely. She heard a rustle from her closet, and she whipped around. She took a few hesitant steps forward and reached for the closet door. As she opened it, a Tsukaimon flew off the top shelf and collided with her face. They both hit the ground, Tsukaimon ontop of Kerian.

"Are you really............real?" Kerian asked, slowly picking up the fuzzy purple Digimon, and holding it at arms length.

"Well duh, silly!!" Tsukaimon's eyes glittered as she smiled at Kerian, her little wings flapping.

**End of Part 1**

(I will only keep writing if people take the poll and let me know what they think. I will update it at least once a week with new parts if that's what people want.)