Deep in a forgotten forest an abandoned and secluded castle sat. The castle amazingly looked as if it was the day it was finished instead of that it had been thousands of years since anyone had stepped into it. A river- a crystal-clear azure color- swiftly moved around the castle separating it from the rest of the world. There was no bridge for it had fallen many years ago. Two giant gates made out of black amber prevented anyone or anything from coming in or out of the castle. It looked peaceful but it was far from peaceful. For many, many years Shadows had appeared in the castle breeding and multiplying till there was enough for a large army. Magic- untamed, wild, and dangerous- floated throughout the castle causing doors to move and black holes with no ending suddenly appear without reason. What once had been a castle sung of it’s beauty and splendor, was now a cause of fear and superstition. And yet a lone girl far from her own world stood in a courtyard far from prying eyes.
The girl had pure white shoulder-length hair. Her opal blue eyes- that once had been warm and friendly- were now hard and cold. At sixteen, the girl was tall for her age; she was skinny- what one might call malnourished- for you could see her ribs beneath her tattered and worn dress. Scars cris-crossed and covered her thin and boney frame. Magic sparked and danced across her body, the air around her glittered and cralked with a powerful magic. In her hand she held a pole, dented and charred.
Two Shadows silently came from behind the girl wanting nothing more than to kill her and feed on her pain and sorrow. But the girl sensed them and expertly swung the pole up and over her shoulder, bringing it down hard upon one of the Shadow’s head killing it before it could attack. The other Shadow lunged for the girl screeching it’s fury and wildly letting loose punches. But the girl dodged, rolling to her feet, spinning around and jamming the pole between it’s eyes, causing the Shadow to disappear in the puff of black smoke.
The girl tensed ready for another attack as someone came up behind her. The girl quickly put out her magic not wanting trouble. She resisted the urge to spin around and blast the person to kingdom come with her magic. For the girl had been taught from birth to never let your opponent come up behind you. But the blow that the girl was expecting never came. Though the girl recognized the other person, she did not relax- for she had many a reason not to. And as a cold hand came to rest on the girl’s shoulder, a certain dullness entered the girl’s eyes replacing the anger that had burned in her eyes only moments before.