a story im writing based off of my character Shiah's life its a sad story

http://mizu-bukure.deviantart.com/art/art-trade-with-Cutie-Puff-140580370 thats a picture of shiah (i dont have a recent one of her in human form only in puff =( http://cutie-puff.deviantart.com/art/Shiah-131539197 )

Shiah's Life Story pt.1 family affair

bonjour im shiah and if your wondering whats the story behind my
life i suggest you keep still caue its a long story.
it all began with a beautiful woman who fell in love with this
handsome rich guy. The woman was named Beatrix Colonaly. and the
guy she loved was Shihanel Ganzise. Beatrix really loved the man
even though Shihanel was a drunken player and cheated girls just to sleep with them. So one day Beatrix thought that if she was to have a child by Shihanel he would marry her,
so she did,and then when Shihanel found out that Beatrix was bearing his child he had no choice to marry her. he was happy, thinking it was to be a son but on a cold December morning his excitement went away to find out that he had a doughter and not a son.
The proud but nervous mother named the child after her agressive husband, Shiah and her middle name Florence after her mother. "Shiah Florence Ganzise??!!" Shihanel was mad that Beatrix had named the daughter after him he only wanted a son to bear his name.
but he took care of this child of his...me. then the most horrid thing happened 3 years later. Shihanel had gotten drunk and came home and started terrorizing the whole house. he knocked down every item in site and was cursing at anymoving thing. His so called beloved wife came into the room to see what was wrong with her husband and she tried to calm him down and grabbed his arm. Shihanel was
startled and struck Beatrix with his rum bottle knocking her
uncaucious. crawling into the room young 3 year old Shiah
(of course me) saw her mother laying there on the floor,
she started crying then her father not caring for the poor
child crying for her mother he trew the bottle at Shiah,
he missed but the bottle landed next to her and a shard of glass had cut into her eye, now crying blood of pain Shihanel took his lifeless wife and badly bruised child to the emergency room. Shiah was fine but she was now unable to use her left eye, since the glass had cut into her pupil and blinded her permently, but Beatrix was knocked so bad in the head from the heavy glass bottle, Shihanel had broke her skull and easily killed her. Ashamed at what he did he ran away with shiah to his mother home away from paris to the little london, his mother loved shiah but couldnt bear to see her grandaughter with the terrible eye so she had brushed all of shiah's little hair in front of her left eye like a bang to cover it (note to why i still have it) . six months later Shihanel was being
tanuted of the murder of his wife and kept going insane.
so he had drew a gun and shot. himself. that was the last everyone has heard of shihanel again.

Part.2 Grandmother's Guidence

After Shihanel's funeral, Florence was left custody of little Shiah
(me). She had to become aware of how to raise her half blinded
grandchild. She didnt allow her to go out and explore the world.
She didnt want people questioning her about the childs eye or the children teasing her about her disability.
Now a year has past and it was Shiah's fourth birthday.
Being the kind grandmother Florence gave Shiah a party,
but it was only herself and Shiah attended. While the dim lights of the candles glowed across
Shiah's pale face a tear rolled down Florences face on how sad it was for the little girl to grow without her parents and how lonely her life must be so empty no one else to love her. Shiahlooked at her grandmotherand had noticed the tear drop and wondered why she was crying but she never asked. During this year Florence had to figure out ways to keep shiah's eye sheild from others so they wont see it, so florence had brushed aside a part of shiah's hair like she did before when she was baby and swept it to the left side and it completely covered her eye (now you see why its always covered) and the only good eye was shown.
Florence had taught Shiah everything she needed to know before
she had to send her off to school. and when spetember
came was when Florance was most worried.

Part 3 School Life

On the first day of school little Shiah (me) was excited about
finally meeting kids and hoped to make friends.
Florence on the other hand, knew all of the staff knew Shiahs
father and hoped they wouldnt askwhat had happened to her parents.
So , it was time fir Shiah to begin class, shiah sat at a desk by
herself. She didnt know how to make friends so she sat there
quietly and smiled swetly hoping for someone to say hello.
One girl, Analesse, had came and sat next to shiah.
She also smiled sweetly and said hello to shiah and introduced
herself. Shiah did the same. The two new friends never left each
others side. They did everything together, Florence loved the
little girl and how nicely she played with shiah and that she
didnt treat Shiah differently. So Analesse was allowed to come
and play with shiah after school. one day Shiah asked if Analesse
wanted to see what her eye looked like that was hiding behind her
bang. Analesse agreed not to tell anyone of what she saw.
Shiah lifted her bang and told Ana what happend to her when
she was younger. Analesse didnt feel frightened but felt sorry for
her frined and told Shiah her horrible life story on how abusive
her father was and that there was noone there to stop him.
It was only Analesse and her father.