Kayleigh, I lift you up to the Lord in the time of your passing. I can still see your smiling face, as we sat in Room 1, doing our homework together, well pretending to at least. It seems like just yesterday that we were supporting each other through hair loss and sickness, and in some ways it was only yesterday. But those yesterdays began two and a half years ago. And for you, they are now over. I can't believe that you're actually gone, and that when I go into hospital next, you won't be there, smiling and inviting me into your room, to pass away the long, monotonous days. But you are. And I miss you so much. It just doesn't seem fair that someone as young as you had to be taken so early from us. You have taught me to be a better person, Kayleigh, and I know you have touched so many people's lives. I only wish I could have taken your place, so that you had the time to live, time to grow up and enjoy your life, free from ports, IV pokes, medication and surgery. But in a way are living like that, free from all those things now, just not on Earth.

Isaiah 57:1 reads: Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come.

Well Kayleigh, I know you were, are, one of the godly, so I just pray that you are now safe. That you are now pain-free and happy. And Kayleigh - I will never forget you. That I can promise. I loved you, I love you, and I will always love you.